Hallowfall Fishing Derby

“Experiments” on events that are only up for 24 hours once a week are horrible, especially since so many players already missed one event by not getting the “Derby Dasher” buff at all.

Please revert the latest hotfix for the Fishing Derby and only bring back the change (making the Derby quest available for multiple characters) when you checked all the things and tested them to work.

  • All five “Hallowfall Fishing Derby” quests should no longer be account-shared.
  • Every character gets the “Derby Dasher” buff when they accept one of the five quests, no matter if they’re the first one to take them, other characters still have their buffs (or quests) running, or whatever.
  • Set the SpellInterrupt flags for “Derby Dasher” so the buff can only be removed by the event’s end… no ticking down when logged out (Why did you bring that back? We only had that when the buff duration was 3 hours on Beta…), no surprise removal on disconnects, deaths, instances, etc.
  • Every Saturday, unique catches give 1 Derby Mark each. (account-wide, since it was character-specific on launch)
  • The first completion of the quest per week rewards 25 Derby Marks (make sure that no one can bring several characters simultaneously to turn them all in for 25), completions on subsequent characters give 3 Marks. This way we can try on another character when the first one failed to catch all trophy fish when the buff timer was over (e.g. caused by missing the Queen’s Lurefish) and alts don’t provide too much by going straight for the trophy fish.
  • Turning in the quest with “Derby Dasher” already gone should work all Saturday. (just to make sure, AFAIK it does, and people who recently reported that were just confusing something)
  • Proper weekly flag resets for the quests & unique catches so we never run into issues with only getting 3 Derby Marks the next time a specific quest returns.
  • (quite sure I forgot something :wink: )

  • QoL: Keep Captain Oathmyt up as a vendor (with anything related to the quests removed) for at least one hour on Sunday. Players might turn in their quest last minute and right now have to wait one week to do something with their currency.
  • QoL: Royal Ripple is awful right now, please consider changes to increase the availability of these pools.

Even if the implementation was poorly done (Hey Captain Oathmyt, wanna send 22 Derby Marks via mail as compensation?), I appreciate the efforts to open up the event for alts.
Some people might wanna use the event to level up fishing with multiple characters (and pools are great to not get junk only) and doing it with some Derby Marks as a goal is maybe more tempting compared to standard fishing. So we could switch every week, and then continue on the difficult unique catches with more advanced anglers.


I agree, this really sucks for people who don’t want to do the event on alts. It should be 25 marks for first completion, 3 for additional completions, can only get the fish bonus once per warband.

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They should just make the trophy catches a passive buff that’s active for all of saturday without needing the quest or derby buff, (warbound so no alt-farming advantages) and then the quest and buff would just be a warband weekly quest available on saturday. The derby buff from the quest would just be for the achievement.

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I don’t like some of these changes, they clearly favor multi-character players and players with only one character will massively fall behind, so here are more suggestions:

  • Derby Marks for unique catches should be warband-wide each week, otherwise more characters add way too much with almost no effort (~15 Marks in like 10 minutes without leaving Hallowfall)
  • The first quest completion should give a ton of Derby Marks, like 5-8x the Marks of repeated completions (to equal someone who’s using 5 characters)
  • When the reward choice happens on top of Derby Marks for the quest completion, it should reflect the costs of the Thread & Journal purchases (2x Journals are worth 10 Marks, 2x Threads are worth 20 Marks right now) and it should change when players unlocked the achievements for spinning in 100 Threads, because Threads will no longer be needed at this point (at least from my understanding the achievements will still provide the maximum skill/perception even if you use a new Weaverline enchant)