The War Within Hotfixes - September 27

The decision-making for this event feels so weird, with the opening for multiple characters I still think it should work like I suggested here: Hallowfall Fishing Derby (plus the new reward choice)

Derby Marks for unique catches just add too much on alts for the little time it takes to get ~15 of the easier ones. That’s so against players with only one character who might see up to 30 every Saturday, while multi-character players can add like 25 every 10 minutes without leaving Hallowfall.

I’d rather see a big 50-60 Marks on the first completion, Marks for unique catches back to Warband-shared, and repeated completions down to 3-5 plus the reward choice (is that even additional or does it replace the Derby Marks?) so players don’t have to decide between transmogs or fishing upgrades (and Threads will be pointless when we spun in 100 of each in one character’s Weaverline)

The reward choice also feels unequal when we don’t see the costs of some purchases changed: 2x Threads cost 20 Marks, while 2x Journals cost 10 Marks.

Whatever… I hope all this stuff is working tomorrow. (by the way, unique catches were always character-specific, that’s not a change, but we could only recognize it on the Early Access Saturday because later characters didn’t get the mandatory buff).