Half the Playerbase is gone?

They can add me to their stats too.

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I’ve watched Bellular for quite a while - I only recently lost interest in his content, which coincided with losing interest in WoW. He often would complain about titan forging and all the gear and so on - a lot of complaints he raised served him and his playstyle but certainly didn’t serve the broad community.

I feel the development team took many cues from him and others like him, unfortunately. A person that has all day to play the game, gets money ancillary to the game, is not where you want to do market research. They certainly don’t represent me, they certainly don’t represent casual players.

For him to suggest that they throw out some cosmetic crumbs to the great unwashed masses is just a non-starter. He doesn’t understand what made the game magical. His suggestions (many of them seemed to have been adopted) are turning out to be flops.


So as we’ve been saying…there’s nothing to do. Why did that take so long for you to get?

I can’t tell if you’re trying to troll, white knight, or just making up nonsense. What you said is not even remotely correct.


I’m just wondering how anyone can say that 9.1 will be “trash”, when even Blizzconartist didn’t say much about it in general.
I mean on the launcher there is a thing about what should be coming, yet we have no ptr to really make an assessment.
Now if the topic is 9.0.5, then maybe I can see calling it garbage. I’m still not sold on the Valor system being only for mythic dungeons.
I think that’s horrible.

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no wonder

This is another big part of it too. As a guild master, the amount of conversations explaining things like covenants and everything else to people I had to have was massive. Like I said earlier. It’s not so complicated now. But the amount of nonsense you have / had to go through earlier was immense.

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I have been trying to explain how Hearthstone works to my husband.

Try doing that.

I’ve gotten that from the get go. You’re the one acting like this is something new to SL?

Even running Molten Core for the 187th time is more exciting than this sorry expansion.


The game does feel a bit empty and disconnected from the regular world. The last part makes sense tho because we are in the Shadowlands and there isn’t a good reason in Lore for us to be going back and forth…

World of Warcraft currently is best if played by…

• New players who haven’t experienced anything beyond BfA or brand new and are exploring the entire thing with lvl 1-50 then going into SL. That might be kinda fun if I had a new brain…

• Hardcore players (Raiding, PvP and Mythic+15) these guys always seem to be having fun and really know their S***! I mean bravo to anyone who can juggle the absolute insane changes that we have all experienced while maintaining flawless understanding of game mechanics BiS gear and cutting edge bench marks for DPS/Heals…

• Collectors seem to always have something to farm or find they will always be happy.

WoW is least enjoyed by:

• Former WoW vets from vanilla-WotLK (you kids stole my game!)

• Semi good players (casuals) who don’t really play the game like the better players and don’t suck as bad as some. They have hit a wall and progressively are neutered. Raider IO and ilvl are not good enough or content just too difficult without being (hardcore) puts them in a box of unplayable.

• People with jobs/family (probably a Vet or a semi good player) Has too many real life commitments and figured what the heck on a Saturday night I make 6 figures and have a really nice gaming computer why not purchase Shadowlands and show these punk kids what’s up… 30mins later woah ok Maybe I’ve been asleep for too many years to ever wake up to this level of play…


It saves you from getting ganked. How hard is that to explain???

/s off :wink:

He still doesn’t understand it. Yet, despite this, he beats me solidly half the time. Then he yells “I WIN AT CHECKERS”

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Oh hell no. Even I want nothing to do with hearthstone.

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That’s fair. I’ve already lost interest in it myself. I also don’t even know what’s going on half the time.

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From inception of an idea to completion and release—from scratch is often 8-10 years. “Most game companies” go broke first.

Do you not realize the fallacy of your reply? What you’re speaking of is a newly founded company, not a company that is already established. If you wanted what you posted to be more accurate you should have said “most new gaming companies”.


Sounds like bad game design.

Ad hominem aside that’s funny

My category :heart:

they will always be happy.

Except while Legion scaling is wacky :smiley:

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They took the extra time to fix a lot of major issues. It could have been A LOT WORSE based on early beta!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: