Half-Orc new for horde


“An orc is a large, goblin-like creature often found working for evil wizards. The Half-orc, being half human, is not quite as despicable as his orc parent, but you wouldn’t want to date one.”


Half orc but it’s also half vulpera

or its half human LOL

That’s like D&D or Tolkien Orcs… WOW Orcs aren’t evil.

Gamora was a half-orc and it does make sense though, just not the evil orc bit.

you really need to open up google and type BARDS TALE. that was out WAY before WOW. you keep imagining other things that got their ideas from BARDS tale - really - use google


I don’t need to do anything… Bard’s tale isn’t WOW. This is a WOW forum… I know what it’s from and half orcs would never make a splash here.

Are you saying they should not even consider some ideas from there?

Where are you getting this logic?

I just don’t think half-orcs would cut it in WOW… it would feel lazy. When we got other races like, Ogres and Tuskarr.

how about a Vultauren

half vulpera, half tauren.

don’t ask how that happened because I can’t explain it here

Why did I just imagine a Vulperra and a Tauren bumping uglies…

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1/3 gnoll


I hope the Vulpera was on top…

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Indeed, this game definitely needs more Orc and Human. :smiley:


Half-human? Humans are so fragile. Could they survive mating with an orc?

Half-Orcs and Half-Elves are wayyyyyy beyond due in WoW… Nobody cares abou the “method”, it would just be cool to have in game.

So basically the Humans that they captured. Forced to reproduce. Gross!

Would love ogres or half ogres …

Feed them green rocks and they are.

Lol wow orcs are evil.

Every one that took the juice and went through the dark portal came with the worst of intentions.

Modern wow orcs are recovering drug addicts trying to forget the sins of the past.

Feeling guilty doesn’t change the crime

We need to get back to roots (go play Warcraft rts original and 2)

More dark and less disney

Edit: even organic orcs are pretty bad.

Garrosh may have given them tech, but they rebuilt the portal with intentions to conquer.

They could have just dominated their timeline and been done with it
