Half Elves in TWW

Cool, this isn’t LotRO

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No, it’s not, Gygax saw a neat name he liked and added it as a playable race in AD&D and here we are.

Doesn’t reduce the stomach-churning, though.

Drink some pepto old timer, people like half elves

Just so we’re on the same page, I’m tired of elves as well and the Harronir poster earlier in the thread seemed to have missed that they’re just elves without shoes. I’m not tired of elves because of half elves, I’m tired of elves because there’s more of them than anything else, and in that way I understand where you’re coming from. Elves are supposed to be this dying remnant of a world being conquered by humans, not more populous than everyone else

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The stupid thing about half-elves, half-orcs, half-ogres, half-giants, or any of the other races from D&D (and D&D had a weirdo thing about cross-breeding, for some reason) is that they not only flew in the face of biology, but were also weirdly selective.

If D&D humans can breed with anything, how about a half-dolphin? Or a half-starfish? It’s just a goofball concept. Hybrids are rare and tend to be sterile.

Even Tolkien’s half-elves weren’t really, the parents had to get on the same page in the end (Luthien & Arwen became mortal; Tuor became immortal and sailed to Valinor).

I don’t see the thing from blizzard.

Is Garona still half Draenei or was that retconned? I liked that

IIRC the Mok’nathal were not retconned even in WoD, so there’s them too. Both better pairings than anything elf-related

Garona was originally half-human because there were no Draenei back then. I dunno what she is now.

Perhaps half-starfish!

Fantasy settings are fantasy settings.

Besides humans and cows already had babies.

Also Warcraft has had half elvessince wc2 so you’re almost 30 years toolate.

At least orcs & ogres are from the same planet.

The orc/draenei thing, beyond being yet another stupid hybrid concept, now adds interplanetary cross-breeding to the soup.

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Who was a half-elf in WC2?

You probably wouldn’t like star trek.

One of the very first named characters is an interplanetary cross breeding.

The Spock thing is dumb and dated, no question. But then again, early Star Trek couldn’t even get basic facts straight. Understandable, but a real mess.

facepalm what the heck…

Hybrid still exist in almost every sci fi and fantasy series with more then one sentient species.

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Bad writing is everywhere, yes.

(Props to DS9; when Dax & Worf had a kid, at least Dr. Bashir had to use some technology to make it happen.)

Good writing is limited to tolkien then?

Hell going into myth there is a lot of hybrids. In sci fi technology can be used, in fantasy magic.

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I mean sure but let’s put things into perspective; the Minoans had zero understanding of cellular biology, and apparently got REALLY WILD at parties out by the stables.

Is there even confirmation that cells and DNA exist in Azeroth?

… they are not half elves…

WoW isn’t part of the Tolkien franchise.