But muh helfs
But if they look too much alike, how will the 5 people that PvP tell them apart?
I mean it’s not like they are exactly the same like Pandas, right?
I was thinking Pink Hair to along with Void Elves with set Shepard Blood Red Hair.
This sounds better than just giving them blonde/brown hair.
Give them big azz beards, dreads, and maybe make them a big beefier? Make them at least a bit more visually distinct from their source.
Roll a belf for belf things.
I recently confused a TBCc Blood elf shadow priest for a being void elf and was talking to them about silly rng quests thinking they can understand me
I object to Blonde Void elves
Idk, blood elves didn’t get a ton, and some of what we got was exclusive to one gender.
Meanwhile Nightborne males are looking like Dollar General Night Elves
Pfft please.
I’m at least a dollar tree product.
Not so subtle “I wanna be a high elf” topic.
Lol, I was thinking that’s what they meant to say vs Dollar General.
Blood elves could stand more, too! Even Male orcs, who made out like bandits, could use things like Dragonmaw skin tone, scarification on the body, piercings…
It’s funny that ppl want all the blood elf customizations for their void elves. Ain’t gonna happen.
Blood Elves for sure need more and a second theme since Void Elves have almost completely stole our main theme so they have two theme’s and what makes it worst of all is we are a Core Race and Void Elves are an Allied Race.
Plus I’d like to have things Void Elves don’t and never will have because really if I wanted to main a Void Elf I would.
False statement, but by all means continue if creating drama is what makes you happy.
I’ve seen some request that.
Some do want it all copied.
I don’t… but no reason to claim its a false statement if you can’t be sure.
It’s a false statement because it’s generalizing to all people (in the Void Elf camp in this case) wanting every single thing from Blood Elves… Generalizations like that are always incorrect, which is why if they wanted to keep that message they should have used “most” even though it’s still be incorrect at least based on what I have seen being asked for in various threads. “Some” would have been a much better word to include.
Not asking if you agree, but does that makes sense what I mean?
If they meant people in a general grouping it would still work.
Though I do agree it would have been better worded with “some” or another qualifier.
Still wouldn’t be false though.
Generalizations are not always incorrect, they’re just not always a good route to go since they can often easily be debunked. Just takes one to make it fail.
I see where you’re coming from, yes. Just the one minor quibble.
I think it is a good idea.
Lets do it BlizZard.
You have my blessings to do it!
Why always the surfboards?
I’ve often wondered what the story behind that was.
I am still riding the wave of barbershop prepatch hype.
Lets face it…that is the best addition from systemlands to the core WoW experience. And chromie time!