Hair of color blonde and brown for the Void Elves please

This is the first one that’s caught my eye bcz I’m a horror movie fan :sob:

At least we have this lovely conversation to keep me awake and talk about Elves, though I wish more people argued in good faith but what can you do.


Exactly what you do, do, hope, ask, be nice, civilized, etc. and hope that others will do the same for you. :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:


Well…wow. Now I wish we were all in a guild called ‘Lannsquad’. :dancer: :tada:


Ohhh let’s make this happen!


Justice for our ESO guild!

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Melancholy and purple hair = best ever. I love the whole voidy emo look. So love it.

Most people don’t know the High Ground. They say would knock it but in the end it will stand for those who wanted to see High Elf Options.

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That was one of the dumbest lines…


Of all time…


I’m gonna be that one and say…

It applies.

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Ahh… Ok…

Just trying to make some point about those who are on a band wagon of wanting to force people to play Blood Elves and wanting to get rid of everything that is Alliance Thalassian in General.


You think anyone here has the “high ground”?

What moral standpoint do you base it off of?

One side has one opinion. The other side another opinion. A third side another opinion.

There is no high ground. There is no right or wrong here.

Thats how I see it anyways.


You want to play something that looks like Blood Elves.

But other people here are trying to “force” others to play them?



I would argue that in a conversation that also contains “Only a Sith deals in absolutes!”, the high ground is barely a blip.

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Honestly most of that movies dialogue I think should be in a textbook about how not to write lines for actors…

Wonderful for memes though.

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I really love the prequels though lol


I’m right there with you dearie. :yum: :yum: :yum:


The way I see the natural skin tones being justified is, there are elves in the rift who have only recently started to dabbling in void, therefore their skin hasn’t taken on the more voidy colors yet, which I could be used to justify the tentacle toggle option as well, and even though IDC either way with the hair colors, could also be used as lore justification as well.


No comments on those npcs exist you’re still a VE from original batch. The last we heard from Blizzard is VEs weren’t recruiting. You’re simply in limbo with the story.

But I support more story so long as it solidifies visual distinction remaining in place, maybe we can see a more Void Alleria, those wayfarers etc shifting to Void etc. you get the story you crave and the last of BE visual distinction is solidified even through story means though in the end it doesn’t matter much as Blizzard values visual distinction anyways, but still I’d like it cemented for those that just keep trying to finesse the ability to look like a BE.

Story should be used to push more void aesthetics and options as that is your narrative moving forward :hugs:


As of now I’m not really convinced that the new customizations for Void elves is even canon. We can see Blizzard deliberately adding new, or changing old Blood elf NPCs with the new options, from different skin colors to even different eye colors.

I believe this decision was made intentionally since it would have taken no time at all to change an existing Void elf, or make a new one with the new custromizations.


I’m here for the void elf blonde hair waiting room. I’m confident it’s coming eventually. I’d also like a longer elegant male hair style too. Probably similar to the ‘slicked’ style but with a few braids mixed in. #ViveLaRésistance :blue_heart: