Also the same people who think victim-blaming is acceptable.
Arthas should not have any hand in her punishment ever. Sylvanas as a character has suffered more than any other character in the franchise. That’s not even hyperbole, either, that’s a legit fact. Not even what she did to Delaryn Summermoon comes close to what Arthas inflicted on her. Is she evil? Yes. Do I want her to get some form of comeuppance? Look at me, I’m a nelf/draenei RPer on the Story Forums, come on.
Do I want Arthas to get her soul in some sort of ironic ‘gotcha’ moment? Hell no. Not in a million years, because she doesn’t deserve that, and quite frankly, it would be in horrifically bad taste.
Ugh I’d say you’re just looking too much into Sarm…B…Blizzard isn’t that tone deft to do something like that.
Also holy crap can ppl stop asking for Arthas to be involved in SL?
He is a good character his arc ended fine there is no need to possibly ruin things by bringing him in
Why should Arthas punish her? I mean the writing is so awful that it doesn’t seem to be that unlikely, but let’s assume that the writers actually have some sense for a second:
The 3 obvious choices would be Thrall, Genn or Tyrande. Although I’d prefer the latter because Thrall has already gotten the kill on Garrosh and isn’t exactly the character that needs heroic moments.
There is no real reason, I can only suspect some people hate Sylvanas as a character so much they want her to suffer in the worse possible way they think could personally.
In this case have the person who did really unspeakable things to her be the one to do it to her again.
What? You don’t remember that one line they had Arthas say during that one quest in Howling Fjord (and then only IF you got curious enough to walk over to the Lich King while you were in the spirit world) about how he used to be a shaman (suggesting Ner’Zhul was still in there but then sort of abandoning that notion by saying Arthas pretty much got rid of him?
Then why the &*^% is Calia relevant all of a sudden?
They’ll drag his dead *&^ kicking and screaming into SLs.
I was just saying this to my guild. I think this is where it’s going, but she’s up to something. She’s always up to something lol.
No, I’m not jiving with this.
Nah. Nope. I’m Outtie-500.
Maybe we free the Primus and force Arthas to replace him as the Runesmith?
How about we leave Arthas, one of WoWs best written characters, the he|| alone? I would be more content, if shades of him showed up to torture/mock Bolvar, than him be involved with Sylvanas again. Please pleas please Blizz, leave my favorite character in WoW alone.
So do I… but not has some revamped hero by getting to off Sylvannas.
Arthas is a superb character, writing-wise. he’s Anakin but without the whining (I KILLED them - I Killed them ALL!) and without the disturbing creeper vibes. His story was heartbreaking because he did it for the best imaginable reasons, his rage was entirely justifiable and we could understand his need for vengeance to escape the terrible reality of his deeds at Stratholme.
If he comes back in SL - and I imagine he will because with VERY few exceptions, this is a franchise that lives on rehashing old stories over and over and over and over and over… - I simply hope that he is written to be the HUMAN Arthas, and when we break Sylvanas down inevitably as a raid boss, and bring her to her knees, human!Arthas approaches while we’re all inexplicably frozen as usual, to beg her forgiveness for what he made her. And then Tyrande strides past his sorrowing ghost and snaps that whatever he MADE Sylvanas, she CHOSE to continue to become… and then Tyrande offs her at last.
In real world scenarios with terrible TERRIBLE traumas, there is a lot on reconciliation and forgiveness and recompense. I’ve heard scholars speak at conferences about how the injured party has an implied necessity to accept the apology of those who damaged them. This is, as a note, deeply contentious.
Having Blizzard weigh in with their most traumatized but also most evil character would be interesting if done well. It reminds me of the debates around the rehabilitation of child soldiers. Many are horrendously abused, but then go on to commit atrocities. How do you prosecute them? How do you enact vengeance upon them? Can you ever forgive them, knowing that even though they were profoundly damaged, they are also responsible for terrible things?
Arthas needs to ask Sylvanas’ forgivess. And since I don’t think Blizzard is remotely qualified to offer any solution to a problem that to date NO single nation has adequately solved… have someone Sylvanas outraged stride forward and take the tensions away. No answer, no acceptance of that apology. No time to answer. The choice is taken, the victims given agency and empowered.
It is heavily implied that Garona is a product of rape. Taretha Foxton was also Aedelas Blackmoore’s unwilling mistress and had bruises from being abused by him. It’s some pretty messed up stuff.
Like it did in the Arthas novel? Arthas was really ticked off that Sylvannas and her forces had the TEMERITY to resist his invasion. So unlike most who were dominated by the Scourge Arthas went to the special effort to make sure that she was conscious of her deeds while her will to resist was repressed.
He even kept her body around just on the off chance that he might find some way to torture her EVEN MORE with it, which is why she was able to posess it when she broke free.
I’m pretty sure that his level of a-hattery wasn’t required of him by either Ner’zhul or the forces running the Scourge, so this level of evil is all on his agency.
it happens all the time in real life.
but i don’t think it specifically matters honestly. until proven otherwise, arthas was in full control after dispatching ner’zhul. just because the weapon and armor were from the maw, doesn’t mean the jailer had control. we learn from bolvar that even with all of his time wearing the helm, he only caught glimpses of the other side.
while obviously bolvar was different, without frostmourne to enhance the corruption he was feeling, there’s still no reason that the jailer would have had any more influence than just whispers or attempting control.
Partly I was mocking how they resolved homophobia in Warcraft by tweet.
It would be much more absurd about trying to pull the same with rape, giving it actual use in the story.
But I don’t put anything past Blizzard nowadays.
it would be a detriment to the story for them to do this, imo.
bad things happen in life. shying away from it is childish.
Like it did in the Arthas novel? Arthas was really ticked off that Sylvannas and her forces had the TEMERITY to resist his invasion. So unlike most who were dominated by the Scourge Arthas went to the special effort to make sure that she was conscious of her deeds while her will to resist was repressed.
He even kept her body around just on the off chance that he might find some way to torture her EVEN MORE with it, which is why she was able to posess it when she broke free.
I’m pretty sure that his level of a-hattery wasn’t required of him by either Ner’zhul or the forces running the Scourge, so this level of evil is all on his agency.
i don’t really see it as worse than anything else he did.
it’s sticking it to a person that gave you a lot of trouble. you pissed me off, i’m gonna punish you for it.
i kinda do it in skyrim. if someone was a particularly bad person, i’ll raise them as a dead thrall(permanent zombie, for those who don’t know skyrim), and if they’re a vampire or a dark brotherhood assassin i’ll even soultrap them(soul trapping is very, very bad, nearly eternal torment awaits people soultrapped).