Had a question

I’m recovering from my third permanent ban for hacking. One ban on my 20 year main account, and on my second account. They both reduced to 6-month suspension, after 6 month appeal process.

My main account got banned again feb 28th. So, I opened my second account back up. It was missing the boost and TWW expansion I had purchased last year. Earlier today, blizzard found the mistake and attached a new copy of the expansion, a boost, and month of time to the account.

I just finished reformatting my computer reworked everything. Got my mouse working without GHUB, finally. Plan to play with Zero addons. Maybe just bartender/DBM/WA dumping TSM. Only Spotify/Discord for apps.

I had a question for anyone out there that knows anything about this type of thing;

I logged into that second account and farmed gold for a week waiting for my mains appeal to be answered.

Not sure I want to invest effort into another account if it’s already flagged for closure.

Do I need to ask the GMs to transfer that Expansion and boost to a fresh account?

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They wont transfer.


They might I haven’t used it since they gave it to me earlier today

Thats not how blizzard usualy works they will usualy refund it and let u buy something again on the correct account. I get they gifted it but.

I believe more of a technicality, they restored something that they could verify was previously purchased for that specific license and shouldn’t have gone AWOL. They don’t have systems in place to transfer like you want them to.

They would refund and you can rebuy for the license you want.


Sounds like they restored a purchase you made at least six months ago. It also sounds like you got at least some use out of that purchase before the account penalty was applied. Both of those preclude the possibility of a refund.

Why would it be flagged for closure again?

To be clear, if it was ‘flagged for closure’, it would be closed. They don’t determine that an account needs to be penalized, then schedule the penalty for some future time/date.


They do actually. It could be flagged today and the penalty be taken into action next ban wave.

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True statement. Bans are often in waves but the detection and flagging can, and often does, happen before the account action button is pushed. It also lets them sample the flagged accounts to verify the criteria are accurate before initiating the ban wave. Not that false positives don’t get through sometimes, but yeah.