Had a good run with SOD but this is good-bye!

Solid points all around. Wish more people saw it your way.

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Burst meta good, super long fights are boring and you have both retail and cata for that. Play either of those. I disagree that Boomies are broken(No, I don’t play a boomy) Spriests dots I agree on. Shamans I don’t know anymore. They are for sure not at P2 levels anymore.

You are wrong. Not about your opinion on but that It actually starts at level 25 not 37. Duskwood incs are more broken then ashenvale. I started them on an alt I thought it was crazy that not a single Stockades or SM besides cath was being hosted for the hours during prime time(week day prime time) on Crusader strike. I think its an especially bad new player experience.

Honestly don’t have an big opinion on this I have pretty much done the bare minimum. I got my WO for rune from farming other random content. And can’t be asked to farm it otherwise.

My guild has significantly reduce our clear times and I have enjoyed it. I would say we’re casual+ or hardcore- lol. But our clear time went from first week no clear (had some slow levelers this time around so had no bench to fill:/ second week 5 hours, 3rd week 2 10 minutes. last week 58 minutes.
I think for a leveling raid it might still be overtuned. But for actual level 60 raids I can’t imagine they should be easier then current nerfed ST.

I don’t agree yet. With Ashenvale and STV I feel it makes AB and WSG rep really approachable for alts. The new rep despite incs short comings awards you pretty well for your rep progress.

No lol? This is your actual character progression lol. Like saying once I get a tier piece from a raid my alts should have the same tier piece. That is just stupid lol. And the sleeping bag questline gives you rested xp food and decent xp from the quests. This is just a very stupid opinion all around.

That is not true. There is still plenty of gold farming methods. No they aren’t as good as prenerf incs. But leaving them not nerfed would have just made the economy worse and worse.

Necessary evil imo. The suicide bots are gone now.

Agree, but the damage reduction test they did was awesome…hope you didn’t miss out on that.

Honestly whoever made these should be fired.

Yet another cop out easy way to pretend they have “new” content. Also the 5 instance per hour lockout is totally stupid and should have been removed from wow a loooooong time ago.

Disagree, sunken temple is pretty easy…it just takes practice. If you don’t want to get good at something before you can do it then life is going to always be a struggle. ST is fine how it is.

This is a silly take honestly. Why would you get PvP rank on all your characters at once?

Agree for sure, another reason why the person who created incursions should be fired.

This was one of the dumbest ideas they have ever had. Literally so braindead it’s hard to actually wrap my head around. Fighting the RMT war so they nuked the civilians in order to try and put the squeeze on the enemy. Whats worse is they could just:
A.) Region lock servers
B.) Boot people offline who try to use a VPN


yup, i gave up on this rehashed 2004 trash.

I bought brotato for $5 and have had more fun on this than any minute on World of Dogcraft. I’ve managed 52 hours in Brotato which is .09 cents an hour at this point lmfao then compare that to this trash that is wow and im like, wait why do i pay $15/month to play test this trash?

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SoD/classic isn’t for you then bud

They are trying to make it feel like an actual mmorpg.

Indeed. If you don’t like you stop paying. That’s your only option and writing reasons why on the forums is not the end

They fumbled hard with the mass gold made from incursions before nerfing it after people saw how broken it was. So, the people who have lives/jobs missed out on the farm and they get to suffer because of it.

PvP is absolutely atrocious. 1-2 shotting everyone is crazy and has made the newbiest player feel like a god.

Its also crazy to me that SoD devs obviously can see how broken some classes are but are worried about other classes (Warrior) and hone it on nerfing them because of some trauma from 2004?


you know what? You were right all along.