Had a good run with SOD but this is good-bye!

You can’t expect a dog to lay an egg.

Just like you can’t expect Blizzard to release a product their proud of.
(if they are truly proud of what they have been releasing since Legion then God help them.)

They are a corporate entity now, everything that made them great has been lost to greed and growth.

My advice is to leave the game and just hold on to the fond memories and enjoy your life.

Blame the shareholders.


all points were checked off here

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I didn’t read all that, but I saw you are leaving so I wanted to ask if I can have your gold.

Thanks for the consideration


OP. I pressed ctrl + F and typed “TLDR”, “TL,DR”, “TL;DR”, “tl” etc and I didn’t find a TLDR section, therefore I can’t read your post.

Can you provide a TLDR section? And if that section is too long, can you provide a STLDR?



TLDR is that he just whispered me and said I could have his gold. Sorry, but I beat you to it.

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Season of Airport Departure announcements.


Would rather lose a dozen raid logging parse moneys over a single genuine WoW enjoyer.

He is not wrong.


Your post started pretty well talking about PvP, but then it got dented on wild offering and you completely lost me on ST…

All heres that woke bs. Go to your safe space

Define “woke bs” please.

Yeah…i stopped when p3 was launched and i saw that everybody was doing these stupid incursions. They were nothing like i expected, it totally gutted the world.

Gutted dungeon running. It was just baaaad.

So yeah im back playing hardcore and ERA, sucks because i had high hopes for SoD. I was really, really excited about finally getting into BRD.



Indeed, Incursions were a bad idea. People are only doing that to level up, it’s ridiculous. It should start at level 45. For Wild Offering in Maraudon, it should not be an option. It’s too easy to get with the scepter. As for the ST raid, I don’t know. I like this raid and the challenge. In my opinion, BFD and Gnomeregan were too easy, so I’m happy that the 2 last boss gives us a challenge, People need to learn mechanics, and everything should go well…

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Exactly this as well here. Glad I did too as it seems like phase 2 was terrible and phase 3 even worse.

“why do I have to play the game, it’s a season everything should be handed to me.”

I stopped in phase 2 due to pvp balancing. Writing was on the wall back then, glad i did because what i have read its even worse now

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can I have your gold

Thank god someone that understands its not 2005 anymore.

It was purchased for a reason, spend as little, make as much as you can. Few people that can do anything, and gives a damn about the game “World of Warcraft” and making it better exist, and the ones that do like Devs don’t get to make the choices.

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I can’t agree more.

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Well, all of your points are valid, gamestate sucks. Shamans will dislike this post, and all the people with 60k gold will say youre wrong.

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The phase 3 experience so far:
Hand in pre-completed quests, do Uldaman, hand in quests.
Realize everyone is doing incursions, start doing incursions.
Hit max level and honored with Emerald, buy a whole set of gear (for free basically).
Get 1 or 2 new runes depending on the class. (Catch a flight path and ride around)
Spam Maraudon/Princess runs 15 times.
Spam the re-used STV event from P2, get your item/s.

All this was easily done in one day too, not to mention the people who did incursions in the morning got x5 the amount of gold than everybody else. People were doing Sunken Temple by the time it was afternoon, but the bosses were all overtuned LOL.

Incursions ruined this whole phase, the economy and many other aspects of the game. Did Blizzard really intend this to be the experience ? Or did they just not test anything at all ?