Had a good run with SOD but this is good-bye!

I started to play SOD in the middle of phase 2 and it was interesting for a while. I enjoyed playing classes that were otherwise dead or memes back in classic. It felt good to re-explore classic content as well as seeing some of the least known or explored places to be more utilized via rune gathering. I also felt that there were some attempts at improving some areas that were incomplete in classic (i.e. ashenvale pvp, STV blood moon, etc.). I also enjoyed the new raids and the new items.

Here’s what I didn’t like:

  • pvp experience: the class imbalances are absurd. Spriests/boomkins/shamans dominate bgs, and they are often in abused in premade comps. The pvp gear honestly doesn’t give enough stamina or resilience to mitigate the damage so youll get 1-2 shot unless you got a pocket healer. Developers promised to make everyone OP, but so far I have yet to see any change in the current meta. Pvp que times reflect this imbalance as far more horde are queuing for bgs than alliance with horde wait times being 30-40 min and alliance being <1 minute. Also, as much as I like blood moon, I can see the frustration for melee players. Unless you’re a well geared melee who can get into a stealth or cleave grp, you’re screwed to getting 2-4 coins in 30 min.
  • nightmare incursions: I’d really like to hear some sort of apology from blizzard on this content. Not sure if it’s a coincidence we’re not getting blizzcon this year but this is the worst content I’ve ever experienced. As soon as you hit 37, it’s go directly to Ashenvale “LFG no kill loops” jail where the objective is to ride your mount in a circle and gathering items for turn in. Now there’s an addon that can make the loops faster despite the terrible inventory management system that blizz forces you to use to share quests. You killed the world with incursions, no one doing dungeons or open world content.
  • wild offerings: interesting system but feels like incursions when you start trying to get them. Starts off strong with the intro quest (which should be shareable), but then you just go straight to mara to farm princess runs. After a short while, you run into the dungeon cap and have to wait like an hour to start doing them again. How is this fun?
  • sunken temple: for the most part it’s a fun raid, but not designed for the average player. Took my casual guild 3 times to finally down shade of eranikus and that was after dying like 4-5 times and getting lucky at the end. You can say skill issue or whatever, but I didn’t join SOD to have a second job making sure I got all the world buffs, consumables, and purple/pink parses. I just want to enjoy the content and vibe with my guildies. The amount of toxicity I’ve experienced in this raid content is significantly worse than the previous phases. After spending about 4-5 hours on a weekend for ST raid, I need to take a long break from the game (forget doing it again on my alts)
  • SOD is extremely alt unfriendly. Why do I have to grind rep and honor on all my characters. If seasons are meant to be short, I can maybe focus on 1 character to get all my BIS gear, consumes, etc. I should have access to my sleeping bag on my all my alts. I should be able to purchase pvp gear up to the highest rank character on my account.
  • Economy is inflated: in phase 2, most items were less than 30g with mats being worth less than 1-2 g. Now you need gold for everything, and some items (like darkmoon cards) are worth 500g+. If you didn’t take advantage of incursions at the beginning of the phase or didn’t farm nightmare seeds at the right time, you’re not gonna have enough gold. The only other option is doing lvl 50 incursions, fun…
  • SOD has become new player unfriendly. Aside from the issues discussed earlier, I was deeply disappointed with the decision to restrict new accounts from the auction house, mail, and trading systems. Being a player with a new account, it was frustrating not being able to sell valuable items, buy consumables, buy item upgrades, buy mats, and other things on the auction house. It was embarrassing asking my guildmates for help for things that could be easily done on my own. I’m the kind of person that like to do things for themselves and I don’t like to feel like I owe other people for favors.

The restrictions along with nightmare incursions just makes me think that the SOD team lacks clear vision of the future for this game. Until you decide to put the new, average player base first, this is farewell. Thanks for the good times while it lasted!


Happy trails.


Oh a druid player? Y-you will defiantly be…uh…missed? :partying_face:

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We unfortunately pay $15/month to play test 2004 refarted WoW classic so yeah, my sub ends soon and dont ever give regurgitaed Microsftblizzard your money again


I started P1 as feral druid and I was having a blast. Went into P2 and I just wasnt feeling it anymore and called it quits. Not sure how P3 is, but I had my fun at the start.


Godspeed young druid.

You will be missed.

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Sorry to lose you OP. Don’t pay attention to the neckbearded virgins fan boys in the comments. They always seem happy when people quit, before they know it the game will be dead and they will only have themselves to blame.


Incursions are fine. They’re an answer to dungeon spam which is what everyone would be doing without them. The way you write this is very entitled and cringe, btw. Maybe work on that.

No please don’t leave, I can change. I can be different. We can be everything we ever wanted just give me another chance pleeeaaase

Don’t leave ;_;

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This is actually a very nice write up! Hope you have a great time elsewhere!!


OP is actually spittin tru fax right here, hard to disagree with any of those points. I am staunchly anti Incursions also.

The Wild Offering thing low key killed dungeons. People do them and skip to the very last boss, they don’t kill anything. So if you need Mara Purple or Gator boss in Mara or Gaz’rilla in ZF, oh well, too bad.

OP is right about Shaman/Druid/Priest also. They have insane hybrid kits. Basically they were over babied, opposite of the hybrid tax, they experienced the hybrid luxury.

It’s time to reign it all in and amp up Moral Strike effects and start amping up the melee weapons (daggers/swords). Stop being soft.


First of all I’m truly sad to see you go. You seem like a player with a head on their shoulders and that in itself is always a tough loss.

Alot of what the OP is saying is sadly true. The games taken a turn for the dirt hills and I’ve started to lose interest as well. I’m a long time player and have enjoyed Classic and Classic SOD up till phase 3.

Incursions - this should have been a daily. Give higher rep, give higher gold, give higher xp but make it a daily so its not just a run in a circle grind to 50. The dev’s spent sooooooo much time making the original game and it was beautiful when it came out, nothing else like it…and now you guys are ruining what the game had to offer with this incursion ordeal.

Running in a circle and avoiding everything for hours feels so pointless, but the reward at the end is so high that not doing it leaves you in the past.

I leveled my main not in incursions but through dungeons and questing. It felt rewarding. When I got to 50 though I compared my gear with the gear that the Emerald Wardens give you and wasn’t nearly on par. I had to go back and do the incursions as a lvl 50 on an endless grind to get to honored to get the gear I so badly needed. I learned at this point that it was futile to do anything but incursions.

Wild Offerings - This was a nice addition to dungeons, but I agree that now dungeons are nothing more than WO spams on repeat till you’re locked out. Horrible design!

Sunken Temple - I’m really enjoying the raid so far. I like that its moderately complex and fun to do. The bosses require a certain level of skill to keep up and miss placing steps feels punishing. Well done on ST!

Runes - I’m a solo player, I rely on myself and myself alone. I find it ridiculous that some of my runes are gatekept by other classes doing certain things. Horrible design!

I’ve played every class all the way through and I enjoy the mix ups (rogue tanks, mage healers, ect) but I cannot agree with hiding some of my classes runes behind other classes progression. I shouldn’t have to LFG and pray I can find a group that needs to do the same quests in order to finish out my runes. Late game this is going to be null and void. No ones going to want to do these quests so its now become a rush to get it done as quickly as possible. Horrible thought process on this phase.

Phase 1 was so full of life. It felt polished and fun to play. Discovering the new things they added and having fun with BFD as a raid.

BFD was sooo much fun, it was tough in the beginning and complex enough that you had to know your character to do what you needed to do. It felt raw and shiny

Phase 2 hit and it started the gatekeeping of the runes, the partnering up to go get stuff done, and the speedruns of dungeons to maximize xp. The bots were a plenty in this phase and it inflated the auction house. This phases raid also started this elitist mindset of checking logs for raid joins and progression felt halted. This was the downfall of SOD as a start.

Phase 3 hit and its been a mess! The only bug fixes we’ve gotten are the ones we’ve used to exploit the glitches in ST, nothing else. The games in a tough state and players are either unhappy with alot of the “new” decisions or they’re just fanboying it up and rolling with whatever blizzard feeds them.

I’ve played alot of MMO’s and I’ve seen alot of rise and falls, this SOD started out as a giant, but its degradation is so quick that its painful to watch. I loved Phase 1 and it’ll always go down in my memory as a perfect launch, but I can’t keep paying money for something I’m not enjoying.

GG Blizz, RIP SOD, you will be missed


I have high hopes that phase 3 sucks this bad because they’re putting all their attention and focus on giving us an amazing phase 4…but I’m an optimistic realist.

My realist side says based on their current efforts as of phase 2 and 3…phase 4 is going to be a flop.

I have my fingers crossed for light at the end of the tunnel.


I’m glad OP did a game review of what the modes and mission statement of SOD have to offer before heading out, because it’s good constructive criticism.


I have to agree with OP. The promise SoD held is what brought me back to Azeroth after having quit during TBC for life reasons. Phase 1 was so much fun that I ended it with 6 level 25 toons. Then came phase 2 and by the time I hit 40, I realized I had leveled the wrong class (rogue). I wasn’t able to get into Gnomer groups until at least half-way through the phase, but I had no interest in continuing to level any of my other alts. Now phase 3 is here and my rogue is once again fun, but the content itself is mediocre at best. Every guild I have joined has disbanded and I end up being the only one logging in regularly to the point that maybe one or two guildies will be on at a time, if that.

It seems that freemium game mentality has taken over with these incursion loops and WO is sorely lacking in things you can buy with them once you get the items the vendor sells. After that, it just becomes a slot machine for darkmoon cards that, to be honest, seems just as rigged as Vegas slots.

Coincidentally, it seems like only the big time streamers have been able to get everything they need / 1 during SoD. It’s almost as if it is entire season was a giant gimme to them.


amen brother :expressionless:
I appreciate your thoughtful post

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Great right up!

They should seriously read this post and think about what they have done.

But they won’t, because people are slow and stubborn.


They have nothing else going for them in life. 80% of the people I see in here supporting Blizzard have like 3,000+ forum posts lmfao so not only are they wasting life online, they waste it here too.

Microsoft bought blizzard to suckup every last penny from the fools that still support this 2004 rehash garbage. Let em throw their money and lives away from WoWcraft lol


Nightmare incursions are lazy garbage content but thats what microsfot gives you for $15/month, enjoy play testing 2004 wow


It’s sad that private server passion project’s understand the concept of “Classic Plus” better than Blizzard. I guess it’s because they understand the game beyond the parse bro mentality of current devs.