[H/A] <Whisper> (5/8H) is recruiting heals for casual AOTC raiding and community! (LGBTQ+ friendly)

Come join us!! If you’re looking for a welcoming, fun place to check out 10.2, look no further! 10/10 for community and atmosphere, 10/10 for getting stuff done (both our prog raid group AND casual raid group achieved AOTC this past tier!), and just overall 10/10 for being the best guild out there!

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The raid opens up next week and we are still looking for some more people to fill out our roster! We’ve got a great atmosphere and a great community. If raiding isn’t your thing, we’ve got community events and M+ nights. Come and give us a shot! :slight_smile:

It’s been a busy patch week with some great new folks adding their names to our guild roster. If you want to join them, get in touch!

We’ve kicked off the tier with a great raid week! We’re 9/9N and 1/9H with 2/9H easily in our sights. Our guild key night also went great and had a great turn out!

We’re still looking for friendly and capable folks to flesh out our roster a bit more. Hit us up!

I’m sorry I never saw this response! I will send a request in-game even though I’m a year late QQ

Our progression raid team is keeping an eye out for a healer! If you’re interested in AOTC and looking to heal, reach out to an officer!

We’re on the hunt for ranged DPS! If you’re looking for a fun, welcoming place to do some long-range shootin, look no further! We are 5/9 and thrivin! Hit us up!!!

On the hunt is a funny way to say “please. Please we’re begging you to come soak the puddles on Nymue”

I think I do 30k overall on that fight by now. My parses… :melting_face:

What are you doing on the forums don’t you have a puddle to soak?!

(Hi, we’re recruiting ranged DPS)

Whisper’s semi-casual raid group, Killin’ it Casually, is now 9/9 Normal and 3/9 Heroic Amirdrassil!!

We’re actively looking for folks with the following capabilities, though as we have a somewhat flexible/open roster, we prefer folks with some flexibility to role/spec/class.

Flex Healer - esp one with brez. Most nights we’re fine, but occassionally we’re short handed.
Evokers - preferrably one that enjoys both specs
More DPS - especially Unholy DK, Lock, DH, and Aug Evoker, but any nice people that pew pew are welcome!

We raid Wednesdays, 4:45-7:30pm PST/Server time. As of Jan 2024, we’re usually doing the normal skip then progging heroic. By Feb, we will likely be mostly in just heroic.

PM me in Discord (the_vianki) or in game (Vixenytli / Heimdali wyrmrest accord) for an invite to the community to get announcements on raid night. (you’re also welcome to jump straight to joining the guild, I won’t stop you. :smiley: )

Fyrakk down for our prog team! 9/9 Heroic!

Our Wednesday casual raid team is looking for more friends as they start the back half of their AOTC push!

I’ve been trapped in the guild bank for days. Send help.

Killlin’ It Casually is now 5/9 Heroic Amirdrassil!

Over two years later and the people here are still as lovely and kind as ever. I didn’t think we’d ever find such a great home, and it came with bonus pet pictures. Low stress and fun, Whisper is not a Warcraft guild, but a community of people.

Aside from what the raid teams are looking for, we’re always looking for more great people to out-pun us (or not; being you is enough!)

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Welcome back to folks returning for Plunderstorm and 10.2.6! If you’re looking for a group of friends to play with, check us out!

Very hype to play Awakened raids with a whole-guild combined group this season! Going to be a fun time. Join us!

Season 4 is upon us, and there are shenanigans to be had! Message an officer or look us up in guild finder if you’re looking for new friends!

I would be playing WoW probably half as much as I do now without Whisper. If you’re looking for a raiding home for TWW and beyond, both the casual group and the prog group are full of great people that don’t take themselves too seriously.

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Starting to look for folks for raiding in TWW!

Currently our progression (AOTC) raid team will need DPS, while our casual raid is open to all takers. Message an officer on discord or in game for more info!