[H]&[A] <Synchronicity>Recruiting Older Players

I joined Synchronicity a few months ago, and I am so happy! If you want to play WoW with fun, mature, friendly, helpful people, come join us.

Bump up to attract any lost souls that may need a home.

Hi, A 62 yr player is considering starting a restro shaman on your realm. Because of work, I work PM and night shifts, my playtime is very limited, in regards of progressive development. However, I would like to work towards mythics in due time.

Good afternoon. Please do make a character on our realm and come and check us out. You can join using the guild finder in game or by finding any of the members online. Have an awesome day!!

Hey I will thank you

Hello! Healer main here looking for new friends to push keys with! Would I be able to join you guys for that?

Hello! New player (one month tomorrow!) and have leveled from scratch two characters, really loving the game, but would like a solid group to play with. Going to start a character on your realm now. Are there restrictions on what faction/race/class?

Good evening. You are welcome to join the guild or community if you like. We are listed in the finder or you can ask anyone online for and invite. Thank you for reaching out.

It’s Wyrmrest Accord, the server, yes? I am not finding you guys in the finder. Could you message me? Nikkichip#11219

Hello. We have zero restrictions. Please pick what you enjoy playing. We started out horde but faction no longer matters.

Yes!! You are right. Strange that you can not see us both the community and guild are updated. I am away with family so I can not add you in game. If you want to leave tour discord I can add you to the guild discord and someone in game can set you up. Otherwise I apologize but I wont be available until Tuesday.

My Discord name is Nikkichip! :slight_smile:

Friday bump up. We are looking for new faces to join us.

Do you still have a ‘community’ ? I saw an ad for it but can not find it. Is this a role playing guild? ty
Also, I cannot find your guild under guild finder and I spelled it correctly
edit: I was looking on Ally side, is this horde only?

Hello. Thank you for taking the time to reach out. Our guild is on a role playing server but we do not RP. There are events on the server if thats what your interested in. We did start out as a Horde guild so until blizzard changes things you will find us in the guild finder horde side. We do have people in the guild that have added their alliance toons. We also do have a Community for our guild. I hope I have answered all of your questions. Have a great day!!

I am still unable to find you under ‘communities’ when on another server. I open the guild finder in game, then Find a community, and enter your name and nothing shows up.

Good morning. I apologize that we arent showing up anywhere. I have the community thread in the forums uodated and last week did the in game ones so not to sure whats up.

Im hoping this may work for you. Thanks so much for your patience.

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We are looking for more like minded people heading into the new season. Feel free to come and join us.

Come join us for your next adventure!
If you have questions, feel free to ask here. Megs is an awesome, helpful GM.
Or you can contact me, Jazy, on
Discord: sybilmeows
BNet: Sybilmeows#1457

Thank you for your kind words!!
We are ways looking for new faces to join us.