[H]&[A] <Synchronicity>Recruiting Older Players

Reset day bump.

Apologies in advance for the long post lol

I’m currently looking for a Guild that I can be a part of and you guys seem like a potentially good option. I’m willing to change servers so long as the guild is right and the server isn’t empty, and actually WRA was on my short list of servers to consider.

I would normally just join and ask questions and feel it out in-game but since I’d be server transferring to join, I wanted to get a feel here first.

You guys say you raid casually, which is fitting for me, do you have any more concrete info? Is there a dedicated “raid team” or is it just whoever is on/available? My two classes I’m interested in playing are Druid or Evoker, any spec for both classes.

Do you guys do World PVP at all?

Do you have any kind of organized RP (WRA is an RP server if memory serves)?

Thanks in advance, and I hope 32 is old enough to qualify for “Older Player” (WoW demo tends to swing higher than most games these days lol)

Hello Grimmjaww
I hope you are doing well.
WR is in fact a RP server. Our guild does not RP.
If you look at the Wrymrest forums you will see events planned there from other people on the server. We do not pvp so far together. No one has ever take the initiative to organize an event for pvp. Not sure if Im being honest if people would be or wouldn’t be interested in this idea.
Raiding this season has been set for Fridays.
You sign up to go raid in discord. We believe you play what you like. Dps is usually wide open but since tank and heals is more of a steady position usually they have had enough of both.
If there is enough interest a second day maybe on a weekend has been talked about for raiding as well.
If you wanted to make a character and just check us out before you paid to move thats totally cool.
32 is fine. We have people of all ages honestly. Just wanted to shoot for older aged wording so people do realize we have jobs and real life to attend to. Very laid back atmosphere.
If you have any more questions feel free to ask.
If we aren’t what you are looking for thats understandable too. I wish you the best of luck for finding a place you wanna call your wow home.
Thank you so much for reaching out.

Thanksgiving Eve bump

I’d be interested in joining - Guardian Druid w/ focus on Mythic + & Casual Raiding.

Highdruid - Tich / Highness#11347

Hi there. If you are wanting to transfer or make a new character in the guild no problem at all but if you were leaning toward crossrealm and leaving your toon where its at I will send you our community post. Link in there to join the community. Thank you for checking us out!!

Howdy. Rolled a character named Indominable on the server and requested an invite through the guild finder. Look forward to joining the community.

Saturday bump

Monday bump

I see Fridays is your raid day, do you have a specific time or does it change weekly?

Currently, Friday raids are 5:30 Pacific/8:30 Eastern. We’re starting an early Sunday afternoon raid for alts, but that will be adjusted as needed depending on the needs of the guild.

Thanks for the info :slight_smile:

You’re welcome!

Sunday bump

Happy New Years to everyone!!!

Sending this up to the top

Always looking for more people to come and join us!!!

Tuesday bump up.

Looking for more like minded people to join us.

What server are you on? I’m not familiar with server names so not sure if synchroncity is guild or server name. Thank you