[H]&[A] <Synchronicity> Recruiting Older Players

Come join us!!! This is a fun guild. We joke around a lot in game and in Discord. We’re laid back and will help you if you need it. We have many that have reached 60 in Shadowlands and are running dungeons currently. We also have an alliance sister guild that just started to park those toons in as well. We look forward to seeing you!

I have 2 toons looking for a home. Early 40s, been playing since TBC. I have been playing solo for a while and am sick of it. I like PVE and PVP, would like to get back into raiding, dungeons and killing more players. I have not done any steady raiding since Wrath, and just discovered that I miss it.

I have been leveling lower level toons, and just don’t feel the pressure to hit 60 quite yet, though I probably will get back into it this weekend.

I believe that we would be a good place for you to call home. If you would like more information about us my discord is Megs#8288. OR You can be invited by anyone in the guild just send a message if you don’t see me on!!

Awesome, thank you! I look forward to joining.

I made the switch to Horde last night and this looks like a promising place, would also love to get a invite for this character and my alt, if you would be so kind. :smiley:

The /who system seems to be having issues still. If you are still looking for an invite please ask anyone in the guild. You can also find us in the guild finder and join through there if you can’t find one of us on. Thanks so much.

Added you on discord! Looking forward to seeing if I make a decent fit in the guild

hey there! Recruiting Older players? I’d defintely fit right in. I’ve been looking for a guild, since Shadowlands started. Who would i talk to in game, about any info? (Seems like the group finder is broken)

Heya I won’t be in game for awhile yet this morning. You can add me to your discord and I will gladly answer any questions you have. Or we will hopefully connect in game. It is super frustrating that /who is messed up. An alternative is we are listed in the guild finder if you decide you wanted to join before finding me. My discord is above ^^^^^^

Hello, I saw your reply to my post and have been browsing this thread a bit. I think your guild may be exactly what I am after. How should I go about applying/requesting a guild trial?

Good evening. If you want more information before joining you can hit me up in discord. If you have already decided anyone can add you. /who doesn’t seem to be working. If you can’t find us we are also in the guild recruitment tab.

Lots of folks joining us right now. Whether you’re a returning player or have been around awhile and looking for a new guild, come give us a look. We’re an older bunch sometimes getting in touch with our inner 12 year old (humor wise). Many checking us out right now. Join them! Join us…for questing, dungeons, and soon…raiding. Whatever your play style, you’re welcome!

If you all wouldn’t mind someone who just wants to level and maybe raid on my horde characters I’d love to join you all. I’m over 40 and have some trouble with all the youngins. Lol

Of course we would love to have you in the guild. Shoot me a message in game. Or my discord is above if you have any questions. Also anyone can invite so if you miss me online go ahead an ask one of the other members for an invite.

These are my people! Great group, awesome banter, and they make you feel welcome from day one. A+, highly recommend, fast delivery, great service!

Seriously, this group is awesome. When I came back from a break I was alliance and had been since I started playing in 2009. Upon return a friend in the guild told me about this place so I created a horde character and went from there. I enjoyed the group and the banter so much I faction changed my main and my long time alliance is now a champion for the horde. It wouldn’t have been possible without this group. So if you want a great group, great banter and people always doing stuff and being super helpful, this is your home. Come join us!

Awesome bunch of people in guild, gchat is always active even with my very odd play times…Strongly recommend this guild :star_struck:

Hiya guys! On my Horde character Kettleclaw I was a founder-member of the predecessor guild Old Soles. The only reason I stopped being active is because our ingame interests diverged.

Lately i’ve been thinking a lot about starting a similar group for those of us who prefer an emphasis on RP rather than an emphasis on pvp & running current expac instances. I say group rather than guild since cross-faction activities are a big thing in RP these days.

Anyway, I figured before posting an interest-check thread I’d post a quick check here to see if anyone is (or is in contact with someone who) might be interested in getting together as older RPers.

Seriously no stress gaming, no drama mammas! We are growing but even still holding onto our easy going laid back play the way you enjoy kinda guild. We do mythics and raids we are not a fast paced, but we have fun.

Hi Meg,
I tried to message you on Discord, but I guess my message didn’t go through? I’m new to WoW and thought this guild sounded like a good fit for me. What do I do from here?