Hello I am horde demon hunter looking for an active guild for 8.3 that will be pushing for mythic. I am will to server change and even faction change so i do not mind playing on alliance.
I am looking for a guild with the following:
- An Active Guild That Uses Voice Chat
- A Guild That Enjoys Doing M+ Runs
- A Guild That Will Push Mythic
- A Guild That Like To Have A Good Time
- A Guild With As Little Drama As Possible (ie a guild that doesn’t bring up real world personal drama into the chat)
So I guess I should mention a little bit about myself as well. I am a VERY active player and I like to socialize A LOT. I also like pushing myself to improve and dislike stagnation. I enjoy the company of others, I am not a fan of guild that only get into voice chat when its raid night or simply ghost in voice chat without talking. So in other words the things that you will get with invite me would be:
- A very active player
- A very social player
- A very goal oriented player
- A player that is always looking to improve be it gear wise or via play style