[H-Zul'Jin] <Eternal Pantheon>T/Th 8:30-11:30 EST- LFM mythic raiders, 10 year guild, 6/9m

Happy vault day everybody. Hope it’s filled with shiny new loot

WTB feet pics!

I will sell them for 25g a picture

Trade me for Power Infusion and we’re good…

Sorry PI only goes on tanks no slimy locks

Alright people. Lets get some trials started

3/9m down, on to experiments.

We are looking for some more trials!

We are still looking for a few good raiders.

New raid week! Looking for a few new trials

Needs have been updated. Look out

Looking to finish out S2 on a hight note.

Still out there working on S2, and getting organized for S3.

Hello, I am trying to reach you about your extended car warranty.

We are still recruiting for s3!

Anyone else ready for this raid to start?

Hello, good morning. I play a 444 ilvl Mage, currently looking for a guild to raid with on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Are your raid times am or pm?

They are PM. My apologies for leaving those details out.

Bump bump bump bump it up!

Looking for more for our mythic raiding team!