[H-Zul'Jin] <Eternal Pantheon>T/Th 8:30-11:30 EST- LFM mythic raiders, 10 year guild, 6/9m


We are Eternal Pantheon! We are looking for a few members for Dragonflight and Beyond to round out our Mythic raiding team! With our goal obtaining CE for the current raid.

    About Us

Our raiding journey started in Legion. We have been mythic raiding since the start of Uldir in BFA. We are composed of a core group with like minded aspirations of achieving Cutting Edge every raid while maintaing a 6 hour a week raid schedule. Outside of Mythic raiding we have guild M+ runs, Heroic raids for mains/geared alts, and many guildies team up for arenas. We have several members with high Raider IO scores and high PVP ratings.

Raid Info

Raid Times: Tuesdays, Thursdays from 8:30-11:30 EST. Optional raid Sundays


Uldir BoD CoS EP Ny’alotha
2/8M 9/9M 2/2H 6/8M 12/12M


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Warlock- High Priority!
Mage- High Priority!
Dev Evoker- High Priority!
WW Monk- High Priority!
Any other exceptional Players of any Class

Raiding Rules
  1. Have a positive respectful attitude towards the raid leader, officers, and other members of the raid team.
  2. Know fight mechanics so well you could lead the raid on them
  3. Have a 80% attendance
  4. Have a mythic raider mindset
  5. Be prepared for raid before raid starts IE: Flask, Pots, enchants, gems
  6. Have access to Discord, your class discord, use simc/raidbots, willing to compare yourself to top players by using logs
  7. Clear at least one M+15 a week
  8. Have required add-ons: Ert, Big Wigs or DBM, and WeakAura2
  9. Most important…HAVE FUN!

Contact Info

We do not prefer the old fashioned application process. However we do prefer to have casual conversation with our recruitment officer to determine potiental fit.

If you feel you are a possible good fit for out guild then please reach out to. Or if you have any questions.


Let the CE adventure begin

Join us and avoid the feet pics

Still looking for more we are 1/11m!

Dont you want me baby

I want you!

Updated to 3/11m!

New season and still recruiting

Updated needs

@chipcrunch by chance would you guys still be looking for tanks by chance? and if so would we be able to talk about what flavor of tanks or class of tank you would like?

Updated our needs and current progression

Who is gonna join us for mythic prog?

Where them good players at?

Heroic raz down!

We are still searching for new members

We are 3/8m and still looking

Add me so we can get you in for a trial today!

Looking to finish S1 strong and push in S2

Down goes Kurog!

Looking for a few good players to round out the roster for S2