[H-Zul'Jin] <Eternal Pantheon>T/Th 8:30-11:30 EST- LFM mythic raiders, 10 year guild, 6/9m

S2 is only a few weeks away

Needs have been updated. Check them out!

You guys full on tank specs?

No we are not. Hit me up on discord

Excited about this new season!

Still looking

8/9H…Close to getting into mythic!

We are looking for a few players to round out the roster. Come trial today

Tank player looking for trial if still needed.

added bnet, mine is idv#11961

Where them tanks at?

To the Top

Looking to start mythic tonight!

You guys recruiting healers?

We are not :frowning:

Back to the top to find recruits

I love turtles

It’s vault day!!!

I would like to contact you about your cars extended warranty

We are still looking for a few good dps

Please come join us… we have cake and punch!