( H ) warrior tank lf classic raiding guild

title says it all, have main tanked all the way up to ICC on my prot warrior and then took some time off, am looking to go back to my roots just looking for a home. feel free to add my btag carakon#1510 or drop me a line here. willing to dps as well if need be

Hey ! We are in need of an OT for our main raid team. Would love to chat with you more and ask some questions. Here is our guild forum with our discord link where you can read more about what the guild is about and contact our GM. We would love to talk with you about your goals for classic wow. Happy hunting!

< Warcraft’s Finest > [ Grobbulus HORDE (US - RPPVP)] are looking for players to join a Guild that values player individuality at the same level as content. We expect to grow a social family as well as a raid team, so we really do have something for everyone.

Our Goals

We intend to play Vanilla with maximum fun. We aim to have a populated voice chat, nightly events and a positive attitude to players and progression. Events will consist of social questing, dungeon runs, world PvP, pre-made BG’s, raids and more!

Players are encouraged to pursue their own goals. We want you to choose a race, class and spec based on your interests. We don’t expect you to min-max your class, however, the willingness to take constructive criticism and better yourself is a must. We aim to strike the balance between getting things done and allowing player individuality. Solid experience of actual Vanilla at leadership level should enable us to accomplish this goal.

We want to foster good etiquette and spread it across the faction. If you like the idea of dungeon groups that help beginners and help each other learn, world questing that involves cooperation rather than competition and patience over pessimism then this guild is for you.

You are…

• Patient

• Sociable

• A team player


• Mature + Patient temperament

• Willingness to participate in Guild chat, Discord and Events where possible


• All classes + specs

• Old players

• New players

• Casual players

• Semi-Hardcore players

Raid Times

Raid days are Tuesdays 7PM to 10PM (PST) and Thursdays 7PM to 10PM (PST)

There will be additional content every other evening during similar times and Saturday/Sunday evening activities (ZG/AQ20).


Find me on Discord at Bergyboo#0034 the raid leader at Smurfy#9226


While RP is fully welcomed in Warcraft’s Finest; we want you to know that it will not be our primary focus. We want to ensure we attract players from all walks, but don’t want anyone to feel pressured to do something that they may not be fully interested/comfortable doing.

Mile Hyjal Club - NA Horde PVP - Herod
About us:
The Mile Hyjal club was founded by warn torn combatants of Azeroth, who had just wanted a reason to share a jug of badlands bourbon after a day’s hard work. We are a home to community driven players, with players of all experience levels, that loves to shoot the sh+t but get sh+t done.

Outside of progression raiding, we will be involved in:
Open World PVP: Organize open-world pvp within our guild throughout Azeroth, and work with other guilds (including alliance) to can orchestrate battles we’ll never forget!
Battlegrounds: Regularly compete in guild-coordinated Battlegrounds and shred the alliance!
Guild-groups: Providing a platform so that all players can experience dungeons, quests, leveling, and anything else to enjoy the journey together as a community.
Guild Events: Host events within our guild, such as duel tournaments, puzzle hunts, mount offs, and etc. to ensure that there’s something for everyone along our new adventure.

Raid Schedule:
Raid Times: :flag_us: Friday & Saturday, 9:00PM EST | 8:00PM CST | 6:00PM PST beginning October 4th, 5th
We will hold two progression raiding nights starting on our respective dates, we believe this is a good starting point so that every member can enjoy Azeroth in a healthy timeframe while still staying productive. This isn’t a job, as most of our members have other life responsibilities like work, college, military, and etc. but we look to clear all content during each phase. Progressing into Phase 2 content and forward, we will look to be more competitive, but have no intention of pushing world 1sts.

Who we’re looking for:

Warrior (Tank): Low
Warrior (DPS): Low
Rogue: Full
Mage: Medium
Priest (Shadow): Full
Priest (Holy): Medium
Warlock: Medium
Hunter: Low
Druid (Feral): Full
Druid (Resto): Medium
Shaman: Low

Come join the club and get a feel for our community, and feel free to message me with any questions or concerns!
Feel free to contact me personally at, Jm#7898 on discord and Dustro#11300 on Battlenet or Social Officer Adelinn#5401 on Discord or cutiepie#1373 on bnet

Hi there Bertheir,

I am the GM of Risk, we are horde on the Pagle server. We are a group of 35 so far all over the age of 30 and raid 2 nights a week. tues/thurs 8-11EST. I am currently looking for a Main off tank and with your experience and knowledge would be a great asset to our team. IF you would like to chat further by bnet is Ruins#1398. Look forward to chatting with you soon.