Hey I started raiding mythic in legion and started as a shadow priest, i’m looking for a guild to push for CE and at the moment my schedule is completely free and im willing to raid any times. Im not looking for a guild that treats raiding as a job because I am still here to have fun and not treat wow like a secondary job but I understand requirements for raiding and I keep my character up to date. I have experience raiding mythic emerald nightmare, trial of valor, nighthold and uldir. Add me on discord at Khangsing#1676 if you want to talk more.
Hey Khangsing, I’ll message you on discord!
Feel free to add me. xrz#7273
Hey Khangsing, I am Flame, an officer of Gruuls Gone Wild. We are currently looking for a Spriest for our CE guild for shadowlands. I am our post below if you are interested, can find more information there!
Heyo He-YO! We were a Wed and Mon 9-midnight central guild looking for more precious bodies. we work during the day and play at night and can be a bit rowdy. Check us out sometime if you think we can match!