[H] [Tichondrius] <Ethos> Mythic tues/thurs 5-8 pst. 9/9M AtSC, 8/9 ATDH

About us :

< Ethos > we are a Mythic raiding guild looking for a few more members to round out our roster for TWW

Why you should join

We are a group of degenerates that all love to have a good time, and enjoy playful banter/memeing as much as the next guild, however, we strongly want to avoid overly toxic behavior (constant complaining, negative attitude, harassing other guildmates, elitist, etc.). I encourage anyone looking for a semi-casual Mythic raid experience, to reach out and see if it is a good fit for you. Raiders of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply and trial and we will help our raiders in any way we can (reviewing logs to find areas to improve, helping with gearing or rotation questions etc.)


CE is the ultimate goal, even if we fall short sometimes. We do raid on a shorter schedule (2 days 3 hours a day) so we expect our raiders to come prepared and make the most of our shorter raid times. We don’t expect everyone to be a 10-time top 100 World first raider, but researching your class, knowing rotations, and the boss fights are necessary to progress through the raid tiers.

Raid Times :

Tues/Thurs 5pm - 8pm Server (8pm - 11pm est)


We are recruiting the following classes:

Tank: 1 (tanks must multiclass)
Healer: ANY (Resto Sham pref)
Melee: Rogue/DH/Warrior/Shaman
Range: ANY (except lock)

NOTE The above needs are what we are currently lacking in the raid team to create a perfectly balanced group. However, we are firm believers in bringing the player, not the class. If your class/role is full but you think we would be a good fit please reach out anyway, there are always raiders that can swap classes or roles to better accommodate the raid and make room if necessary.

If you have any questions please contact one of the officers listed below and we will be happy to help in any way we can.

In Game: Rohkk or Bobthetomato
Discord: Bob the tomato#0964 (preffered!)
Bnet: Bobthetomato#1875
In Game: Moosforbeer
In Game: Zeik
Discord: Occidi (Zeík)#8251

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Still looking for quality raiders for Shadowlands!

Recruiting a few more trials to fill the last few raid spots

Still recruiting a few spots for the team!

Recruiting a few more range dps

We back for some fun

Always recruiting more members!

Continuing to recruit for Heroic Sepulcher!

Always recruiting more players to fill out our raid!

do you guys have an ilvl requirement for heroic? do you guys have a normal run for alts or something?

Continuing to recruit!

I’m interested in joining you guys. I’m a long time player and I’m looking a for a new guild where I enjoy the people I’d be playing with. I’m playing Balance. Reach out on Discord, Mr.#2113

Still recruiting active members!

I’d be interested in joining you guys if you have any space.

Bump for Dragonflight!

Continuing to look for more for Vault of Incarnates!

1 Like

Looking for a WW monk for our mythic team

Would you consider a mythic experienced raider Devoker for your heroic team comp/bench if needed for mythic?
I come prepared, on time and focused for the objective of killing bosses but the mindset of having fun.

BTag: Neer#1569
Discord: Nengekki#5052

Continuing to look for 1 more DH for our raid team!

Looking for a healer!