25 mans starting this saturday! could use a couple more so hit us up! teaching fights. first time as a group going in! : )
still need a dps to fill our 25 man! before 8:30pm est saturday nite! message leavaris!
General Raid Schedule
10/11 / 1/3
Friday - 9-12
Group 1 - 10 man (kara) - 10/11
Group 2 - 10 man (kara) - 10/11
Saturday - 9-12
Group 1 - 25 man - 1/3
Group 2 - 25 man - 1/3
Group 3 - 25 man - 1/3
Sunday - 9-12
Group 3 - 10 man (kara) - Still has openings
Were open to all class/specs but our biggest need would be H Pally
still need a few more to fill out as well as still need a healing pally!
still got 2 spots and in need of that heal pally still! Not a hardcore min/max guild but one that hangs in discord lots and enjoys doing stuff as a guild. 3 kara groups and the saturday big 25 man!
Any room for a leveling resto druid?
yes we do im on now feel free to /w me or /who the royal guard incase im on an alt
General Raid Schedule
As a guild we are 10/11 Kara and 1/3 Gruul/Mag
Friday - 9-12
Group 1 - 10 man (kara)
Group 2 - 10 man (kara)
Saturday - 9-12
Group 1 - 25 man
Group 2 - 25 man
Group 3 - 25 man
Sunday - 9-12
Group 3 - 10 man (kara)
We generally accept anyone who is like minded with our casual, play the class and spec you want, Zoomer, elitist, and drama free community, but below is what wee are in need of most.
- We have zero H Pally, could really use one
- Could use 1 more Prot
- Another moonkin
- Always room for resto.
- Elemental
- We have 4 raiding Enh now, would be hard to squeeze in more Enh.
- Always room for resto
- Could use 1-2 more NON BM Hunters (So MM/Surv)
yep, cool hangout raiding fun! nothing hardcore and still need some people!
Just started playing Classic around April or so, I think. Came back to WoW after leaving at the start of Cata and retail shadowlands now is unrecognizable, making me feel lost. So I’m playing Classic instead. Anyways, raided the crap out of BC, cleared Kara with nearly every class–horde and alliance, and cleared up to Sunwell with my warlock.
My only high level character on Mankrik is a level 67 holy priest, but have a character of nearly ever class at level 30 or higher and I can level fast if needed. I was the first level 70 draenei shaman on my server back in the day. I’ve have raided as DPS, tank, and healer. I’ve also led raids so I’m pretty comfortable leading raids and explaining boss fights.
I’m obviously older now and don’t want to commit as much to a guild as I was able to when I was in my 20s. But I would like to be part of a guild again, and especially one with mature people and not have a stupid guild name showing. I think Royal Guard is a cool name, which is saying a lot because a lot of these guild names I see running around, I just don’t know about.
Anyways, I’d prefer to find an awesome guild to put my main and all my alts in and conform to whatever that guild needed.
you are most welcome in our guild Lovina! If you haven’t connected to Leav by this evening I’ll try to find ya tonight after work!
you seem like a perfect fit with us Lovina. Shoot me a /w or bnet Leavaris#1533
Sounds good. This is my holy priest, btw. I’ll probably be playing this weekend, trying to get her to 70 and Kara keyed.
could use some more dps and heals to fill in the 25 man on saturdays along with the sunday kara run still!
Still have raid room. As early as tonight’s Gruuls.
I’m interested to join if you’re looking for a Holy Paladin I’ll be perfectly honest I’m not the best player but I try my best. My friends just all quit playing so I’ve been looking for a place to join.
message leav in bnet Leavaris#1533. We are on Mankrik server if you wish to join us. or ask leav for the discord to come test us out to see if you like us. : )
Okay thanks I actually am on the server already just forgot to update my character on the forum. I will add that bnet tag when I log on in a little bit
Sounds great! yea, my time zone has me working later than most so odds of finding him are better than finding me.
Guild’s doing great! Also got more room for karas and fill ins for 25 man since people can’t always make weekends! nice chill group of folks! Hit of Leavari or Leavaris in game on Mankrik!