Server: Mankrik
Faction: Horde
Looking for NA Horde players on Mankrik server to help fill out our guild. We’re a casual, play the class you want, the spec you want, crack a beer open and chill kinda group. Raids are Fri 9pm-12 est and Sat 9pm-12 est for 25s. Catch up Karas are Wed 9pm-12 est. Catch up Mags and Gruuls usually Sundays! Hard end time for rl stuff. Come chill with a mature group of boomers who don’t get all sweaty over world buffs or loot drama. Hang out in discord lots. If you just hit 70 on your first toon and get overwhelmed with how many abbreviations fly by in chat, we might just be for you!
Can teach the raids! Message Cryllis or Leavaris or Leavari in-game, leavaris#1533 bnet or /who The Royal Guard. Hope you’re all enjoying TBC!
Very chill, friendly group of guys/gals. Highly recommend.
could use a warrior as well ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](
<3 Great group of peeps we have here!
we need a few more peeps who are consistent and wanna get through content
Any room for a near BIS hunter?
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also Just an update we are 10/11 Kara
Should have Urn for bane this week!
Lots of room left as we are beginning second and third 10 man groups, and our 25
Current guild needs:
Paladin: (High Priority on paladins overall)
- Prot - 2-3
- Holy - 2-3
- DPS - 1-2
- DPS - 1-2 (Medium Priority)
- Healing - 1 (Low Priority)
- Any - 1-2 (High Priority)
- Resto - 1 (Low Priority)
- DPS - 1 (Low Priority)
- Any - 1-2 (Medium Priority)
helping guildies do attunements this week in prep for Friday!
building up our second raid team now!
LF a tank and a healer to begin second group and also pushes us into 25s
wed/fri team still need a solid tank and heals! discord is great to hang in also. nice community
Still looking for a couple of people to fill in our raid team, so come on over to our non sweaty, beer drinking group!
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Current needs as of July 15th 2021
1 Tank
1 Healer
2 other healers (they can spec DPS but will need healing gear/specs for some nights)
looking to fill team 3 and move into 25s this coming Saturday! Come join a good group of guys and gals! Happy to teach fights and help you get into raiding with us. We help with attunements as well. : )
Still looking for some dps! 25 man starts this Saturday! heals also!
were at 22 / 25 to begin 25s this weekend + room still in group 3 10 mans
General Raid Schedule
Friday - 9-12
Group 1 - 10 man (kara)
Group 2 - 10 man (kara)
Saturday - 9-12
Group 1 - 25 man
Group 2 - 25 man
Group 3 - 25 man
Sunday - 9-12
Group 3 - 10 man (kara)
Groups are interchangeable as well so if your not available on sunday, im sure we can accommodate you into another group. None of the 2 groups are with set people yet, perfect time to still join us ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](
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