[H] |The Riviera| 6/10M Recruiting for AOTC Raid Team

|The Riviera| 6/10M is recruiting for a NEW Second AoTC Focused Raid Team

Raid Days and Times:
Wed & Fri 8-1030PM EST

Current Needs
Healer - Prefer Resto Druid or Priest
DPS - Currently have no rogue, dk, boomie, warlock or SPriest
Flex roles

IF you are someone who has interest in raiding, but may lack some experience, or are someone who can’t commit to a mythic schedule, we hope to be the raid team for you!

Following the completion of AoTC we look to push for the meta achievement and mount each tier. Once content is on a one-night farm, we aim to work on the seasonal KSM achievement and push keys on the off night!

Off night raiding includes RBGs on Wednesday, and following the conclusion of the Mythic Raid (after 9pm EST)

If you have any interest or questions, feel free to add me!

Provided below is a link to our main recruitment thread:

To the top for a few dps and healers

Updated for current needs! Raids starting this Wednesday

we updated. solid

Can always use more people interested in RBGs, AoTC, and Keys!