Capture & Contain playtest went well. Might want to reconsider the Courage effect as somehow all but one of the Capturers managed to roll 5.
Don’t buy dice in Booty Bay next time
Currently all regularly scheduled events are postponed for the week to give players the time to get a good grip on the new content.
This Saturday however Desolate Emissary Thelesia is hosting a cross faction party. The details can be found here;
Mild Update
As previously mentioned Emissary Thelesia hosts a masquerade ball this evening. Tomorrow we are hosting what for now is called Grave Reclamation.
Essentially just a run through old content for transmog items, achievements, mounts etc.
More details on the upcoming week will be revealed shortly however tis a safe bet to presume they’ll be at least a The Desolate Clinic RP.
Regularly scheduled programming begins next week with The Desolate Clinic at the usual scheduled time.
Moving forward our general idea is to have a rotating series of events that will be Social RP, /Roll 20 RP and RPPVP respectively.
Graveguard Academy tomorrow evening and The Desolate Clinic at the typical location this Thursday.
We’re rotating weeks w/ Red Wood’s Laughing Tree event as they’re more or less the same concept.
Just spitballing some idea’s out into the aether to gauge interest.
I was thinking maybe some RPPVE events. Grave Reclamation (that’s a working title) for running through old content for mogs, mounts etc.
As well as some sort of Department of Inhuman Services led Field Research which would just be IC Mythics.
Also potentially a fourth subset that’s more religiously angled. Still working on a title (Church of the Mending Dusk? Bleh, I’ll have to think more about that) for more excuses for social RPs.
This weeks TDC events,
Grave Reclamation (Northrend) Tonight @7:30pm
Capture & Contain (Mulgore, AS#17 Cannibal’s Crown) @8pm Thursday
This week’s TDC events,
- The Desolate Clinic @7:30pm on Tuesday!
- Graveguard Academy @7:30pm on Wednesday!
- DIS Field Research (IC run of Operation:Mechagon) @8pm on Friday!
Be sure to stay tuned for more info on TDC events!
Grave Reclamation @7:30pm Tuesday
On Wednesday @7pm we’re helping our Tauren allies in RWT combat the Blue Devil
Similarly Thursday @8pm join us in Mulgore for RWT’s monthly Tall Tales RP.
This week,
Wednesday @7:30pm we’ve Onslaught Academy.
Thursday @7:30pm is The Desolate Clinic
And Saturday @8pm is bar night at the Sepulcher in Silverpine.
bump for spooky bois
Hey all, we’re still around but I’ve cooled it on the advertisements and events until I can get a gauge on how Classic is going to affect server activity.
Additionally IRL has gotten a lot busier for me recently. I’m anticipating I’ll get my business sorted out about the same time Classic hype reaches equilibrium so stay tuned for more haunted happenings in the not too distant future.
Surprise bump!
Did you think we had forgotten? Did you think we had forgiven?
Behold now the terrible new release schedule of the Forsaken!
We hope to have an event per week at minimum. In addition to the ideas posted above we’ve some new ideas we’re testing out. Additionally, additionally my hope is to make a more cleaned up reader friendly post while updating and moving a lot of this stuff to our Discord.
Is there a site to apply?
Hey Vis! You can apply in game on the Guild Finder. Either I or an officer should approve it next time they’re on.
Bump for a great guild!
Want to join but can’t put up with the smell? Don’t worry, TDC’s fancy branch is what you’re looking for!
The Bureau of Diplomacy & Statecraft, It’s all about diplomacy and exquisite meetings.
Are you often anxious or depressed? Have you noticed any unexplained swelling or abnormal growths on your cranium? These symptoms could be signs of void worm infection. Early detection is key for their removal. Contact a Desolate Conclave medic - Today!