H Start location in AV must be fixed

Except horde can break our zerg apart with fears. We try and do that back and 3/4 of your team just WOTF out of it lol.

I have a 50/50 win rate in AV on retail. I only play Alliance. Does that answer your question?

It was not ignored, it was written off as a habitual excuse making. It was idiotic. I outlined how you can quickly disrupt horde attempting to retake IB and you immediately countered that with “buh buh but horde might come and try to stop us”. NOTHING will make people like you happy. NOTHING will be enough.

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Undead rogue path of least resistance character wants to pipe up? Thats pretty rich.

Roll Alliance and win a pug or shut up.

OK brave space goat alt.


You lot need to nut up, put on your big boy pants, and start changing your strategies. Stop blaming your losses on inconsequential garbage.

roll Alliance and win a pug or shut up.

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And have to put up with being in a faction full of whiney excuse makers like yourself? No, I think I’ll pass.

You’re free to prove how my argument is idiotic. Until then, since you addressed nothing I said, we can all agree that you have nothing useful to add to this conversation.

Feel free to make an Alliance alt and show us all the way.

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Yeah, then your words are hollow.

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Alliance have done exactly what I have outlined, and have success at it. But hey, keep on keeping on with your victim mentality and blaming anything you can think of for your own incompetence.

Amazingly I played throughout the entire history of AV during vanilla, and never heard such outlandish idiocy to attempt to cover for alliance inept players. Alliance won plenty during vanilla. Apparently the faction you chose got worse at the game.

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Who or what did I blame? If you think you can make a difference - its that easy, then reroll and come help us win some pugs. You think its a simple as ‘what you outlined’ - come show us - talk is cheap.

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Yeah, hold on while I re-level to 60 just to prove a point that is evidenced in many AVs currently run.

Yeah, I played from day one of WoW. Ive seen it all. We won a lot of AV’s back in the day. Horde didnt have 2 hour queues either - there was a better distribution of pvp players.

On MalGanis we were lucky to get in an AV once a day. And what on earth does “distribution” have to do with AV win %?

What does a better distribution of good pvp players have to do with AV win %?

Hmm… :expressionless:




Surely it’s some kind of skill issue that Horde wins 90+% of all pug AV matches in the world, across at least 3 continents.

Somehow it must be because everyone in the world who would play Alliance somehow is worse than everyone in the world who would play Horde.

Stop being obtuse.

See reality.

ROFLMAO You’re complaining that Alliance can’t win pugs. Dude, that is the most ridiculous argument ever. L2P.