Jan-Mak will be hosting a “rehearsal” this Saturday (time TBD) in preparation for the upcoming memorial!
I will do everything I can to attend said rehearsal once the time is decided! I’m going to be at a guild event starting at 6, but will see what I can do.
Also, I have wrangled us a Blood Elf speaker! Aeyther, of SunFury Battalion (or his designated officer if he ends up being unable to attend) will represent the Sin’Dorei for us.
I may not be able to make it after all. Depends on what my work schedule looks like.
Thanks for the head’s up. I’ll mark you as tentative.
Double post: I’ve determined the “rehearsal” to be at 5:30PM server. Mostly for guildies’ sake. If you want to be involved, simply message me in-game before or during. Thanks for all the attention for the event so far, everyone!
I’ll try to come along for sure!
We’re a week away from To Honor the Fallen. Tonight at 5:30 PM server (mostly for the Vol’kar, but others are free to come if they want some IC clarity) is a ‘rehearsal’. That’s code for Jan-Mak telling people where to stand and how to do it nicely. It’s been a lot of fun thinking on this event and planning it. Be sure to let someone know if you need to drop out of being a speaker or wish to be one. Taz’jin and myself have got a good handle on things!
Three days to go until the memorial. The excitement is growing!
Can’t wait!
Do we have an estimate in terms of how long it’ll go for? I only ask because I’ve been asked/ordered last minute to help out with a work function at 8pm server time, so I’ll need to peace out at around 7:30 most likely. >.> I’m still going to be there for most of it though - hopefully long enough to present Sarestha’s speech (It’s already been pre-written).
Assuming you mean those times in Server time, I don’t think you’ll miss your chance. I appreciate you mentioning that either way, I’ll make sure you are pushed up in the queue to speak.
Yeah, I always talk in server time. I’m an Aussie, I just confuse everyone with my own times Thanks Buliss, I appreciate it. Didn’t know how else to contact you.
Gentle bump to remind everyone this is tomorrow!
I realize (after reading through this thread) that I’ve missed the dress rehearsal, but if you’re still open to having a nightborne speaker, I wouldn’t mind being the representative for the shal’dorei.
I’m no stranger to these public speaking sort of events, so just let me know! I’ll also reach out to Buliss and/or Tazjin in-game.
Sure. We’d welcome it. Just be sure to adhere to the speech topic, and let me know your character’s IC name beforehand.
I’d actually love to take that slot for Pandaren, if it’s still up for grabs. But tentatively. If that’s cool.
Absolutely! We’ve fished for speakers for the past two months and now we’re getting them all at one time!
Hah! Well, to be truthful, this is my first time peeking in on this thread.
Hey! HEY! Chentao of Shen-zin Su!
That’s better.
WELP! Crap. I completely forgot the Pandaren Summit is also tomorrow and I already volunteered an alt. Keep me as tentative, but as it starts just an hour before this, I’m feeling doubtful. I’m sorry for volunteering, I completely mistook the date.