(Inactive) [H-RP] The Unbound Order (Oceanic)

How is the Oceanic RP going for you guys? I’ve been dabbling over on Moon Guard for a few months and I’ve had limited success… I’d love to get involved with something a little more active, if you’re looking for recruits let me know!

Mate we’re always looking for recruits! We’ve only got 4 or 5 regularly active members online most days atm, but we’re still RPing and having a bit of fun!

Announcement: I’m b-a-a-ack!

In all seriousness, Unbound Order will be officially relaunching in October 2022! Our officer trio got talking and decided the upcoming prepatch and temporal events surrounding it will provide a nice platform to ICly return and reorganise!

So, if anyone’s after some Aussie/NZ/etc timezone RP… the time is coming again! Watch this space.


And, and WrA is your home? Not MG?

Correct! We’re WRA-based!

At the end of the day I’ve been here on this server for ten years, don’t want to leave now.


I miss u Satestha.

PS I still have your Undead card hostage.


You gonna take it even more hostage now, I mean. Who spearheaded efforts to clear the blight from Lordaeron? That’s right, Calia. :slight_smile:

Sarestha Ravelle: Pallid Disciple. Has a nice ring to it :stuck_out_tongue:

Tip of the spear, ok, but spearheaded makes her sound like the most important person. The Apothecaries had been working on the problem long before she got there.

At best, she is just one part of the tool. If one part is considered more valuable than the rest, then one on the council will be considered more important than the other. No more council of equals.

Hello! I am definitely interested in making a character and possibly joining in as a trial once I get a character set up and ready to go. I always do closing shift at work and I am on Melbourne time zone sleep schedule even though I live in the US, so, just like your officer in the original post, my sleep schedule is beyond repair… :sweat_smile:
Also doesn’t help that whenever I am on, my friends in the US are sleeping while I’m wide awake, so makes making friends a bit harder.

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Hey Anriya! Thanks for reaching out! You’ll be in good company, we already have two night owl Americans amongst us :rofl:

The best way to keep in touch with us is our discord . You can join with the following link: https://discord.gg/4tJNaVBC come hang out! :smiley:

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Another night owl American here, might end up hitting y’all up in the next couple of days too! New job working overnights as a waitress really killing my social life.

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You’d be very welcome!

I’m gonna find you at the crossroads and beat you up and take your gold for that comment… and for the cursed image that thankfully has been lost to time

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My computer crashed and I lost it too, depressingly. I’ll have to make a new one xD

(For those curious, Seranta hates Calia Menethil with a passion so I made her a Forsaken banner with Calia’s face on it :slight_smile: Secretly, she thinks it’s cool)

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I’m going to take your kneecaps and elbows next

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Bumping this thread.

This guild was fantastic back in the day; and it’ll no doubt be even better with the re-launch.

Looking forward to applying on my main whenever the re-lauch happens.

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Thanks so much for the vote of confidence! Looking forward to hanging out :smiley:

Re the guild relaunch: prepatch is dropping any day now… :sweat_smile: while we have had some casual pre-timeskip RPs, formal RP events will not commence until the prepatch launches, and we delve into our new storyline.

In the meantime, we are active on the gameplay front. Weekly mythic+ is about to begin! We may start delving into raids if we get enough people. PvP to be considered, but not formally active as yet!

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Events section updated! RP re officially launching - post timeskip - next week! Gameplay already taking place.

Unbound Order is back in business!


Our RP is recommencing tonight at the healthy hour of 2:30am PST, or 8:30pm AEDT


Edit to OP! Due to some scheduling conflicts our main RP days will now be Wednesday nights at 2:30am PDT or 8:30pm AEDT, with Saturdays taking on a more casual format.