I hope to see lots of Horde guilds participating!
Friday September 21 9-10pm, in the Valley of Honor, Orgrimmar.
Stormblade Clan
Kor'Kron Legion
Undercity Nexus
Onyx Rose Order
Bladebane Industries
Jade Guardians
Ironsteele Assembly
Flashbang Exports
We got 2 new recruits! Yay.
Also, here's a snapshot of the big night:
Next event: Friday 19 October, 9pm, Valley of Honor, Orgrimmar!
Why....that's this week! Time to get organised.
The Ashborne Ascendency
Forgotten Brethren
Bladebane Industries
The Onyx Rose Order
The Sunsworn
The Kor'Kron Legion
Flashbang Exports
Screenshot of the event!
The next Horde Guild Expo will be Fri 16th November at 9pm!
I have just started a new guild Silvermoon Vanguard would be very interested in supporting the event. Please let me know what you need.
Thank you
As a new guild, you may not have access to banners yet. But anything that displays your guild logo is highly recommended. Get as many guild members as you can to come along wearing their tabards. If you have been able to get exalted rep, you may be able to buy the guild mount, which also displays a banner.
If you're on your own with no props, the best thing you can do is be loud. Make a macro, if not several, advertising your guild. Yell them out during the event.
My advice to all guild recruiters is don't sit back and wait for people to ask for a guild. Give them a reason to want to join yours. Create a niche and get vocal about it! The more people know about your guild, the more people will want to join.
Thanks Vynlas!
The Horde Guild Expo is on tonight! Come and tell us about your great guild! Shout those macros! Place your banners and do the Horde proud!
9pm server time , Valley of Honor, Orgrimmar.
This event gets bigger every month! I think I heard an estimate that we had over 60 people in attendance!
Thanks very much to all the guilds that participated!
Kor’Kron Legion, Apophis, Silvermoon Vanguard, The Onyx Rose Order, Stormblade Clan, Forgotten Brethren, Legion of Blades, The Sunguard, House Sunstrike, Flashbang Exports.
Also, big thanks to Dinkee for tending the bar at the Wyvern’s Tail while the event was going on. Nice touch!
Last night was fun and productive. Fantastic turn out. Always wonderful job Flywheel. You are amazing.
Last night was fun and productive. Fantastic turn out. Always wonderful job Flywheel. You are amazing.
Awesome turnout last night! Props to Flywheel for her continued dedication to the Horde community.
The Horde Guild Expo is the only public In-Character recruiting we do, and it’s always a great turnout!
Thank you again Flywheel and Flashbang for another amazing Expo and for a good time.
Some screenshots of the event: