The Southfury Watch are proud to announce that the Soup will continue to flow!
The event will repeat every first Wednesday of the month, unless otherwise noted.
Please see below for a short IC and OOC description of the event:
The long-honored tradition of feeding those most in need outside city walls will continue as the Southfury Watch once again take up spoon and pot against hunger. The first Wednesday of each month, the Watch will set up their makeshift kitchen in the Crossroads to feed the community and those most in need and to foster unity and an appreciation of the savanna. Our services are free of charge to any denizen of the Barrens or any traveler.
Each month we gather in the Crossroads to serve soup and bread to the community. We see it as a chance to get out of Orgrimmar and stretch ones legs and aim for it to help to bring different types of RPers together out in a different setting. We also will be using the event as a sort of recruitment tool for the Watch should any opportunities arise from attendee interest!
Shameless plug: We are a Barrens-based militia striving to maintain the balances of local powers of the heartland and the ecosystems therein. World RP events are the focus, both combat and non-combat, built around a rich guild flavor and an overarching campaign.
Next Event:
Wednesday September 4th - 6:00PM ST in the Crossroads, under the Great Soup Tree.Soup options:
Savanna Vegetable and Spicy Kodo are the two defaults always served.
Special Soup of the Month: Poi.
This post will be updated accordingly with any information that is applicable as needed.