[H-RP Monthly Event] Southfury Soup

The Soup Within

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Is Soup Night still taking place? I havenā€™t been able to go for a while now.

For anyone interested, there are currently RPers at the Crossroads.

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Curses! RL got in the way again! Iā€™m down to a paper due Friday, that I really need to start on at some pointā€¦ and 2 finals next week. Then I get to be a human again.

You mean Tauren. You get to be a Tauren again.

It just finished up. It was fun. We found out that the toy Maruukā€™s Cooking Pot has a mind of its own and plants kind of next to you, but the Tuskarr Traveling Soup Pot is just about perfect.

We also had a duel, a discussion about evil, and some other fun. There was a shadow who showed up, a lich, many Tauren and others. Iā€™ve got a couple screenshots.


It was good to make it out and about. Working nights is killing me right now! What a fun night of RP to raise my spirits.


It sounds awesome! Iā€™m sad I missed it.

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First Wednesday of every month!