[H-RP] 🌹<Menagerie of the Rose>

“During these trying times, we must all come together and remain united. While aiding the Horde, we may still continue our ways of life and band together united. I offer you the continuation of our lives in Suramar City, but anywhere you so choose within the Menagerie of the Rose, chosen for our unique identities and individuality as beautiful as a rose.”

:rose: Mission Statement :rose:

<Menagerie of the Rose> is a social RP guild based around nightborne RP and Suramar society. Here you will find a plethora of RP all on theme. We provide ample supply of attention to detail, openness and acceptance of many unique ideas and will help you on your journey should you need it. One of our prized and main key points is that we run Suramar’s politics and underground. You can find many fair and wonderful aristocratic individuals, or you can find some of the more corrupt. But if you choose to just be a simply bystander and enjoy the life that Suramar has provided, you are welcome to that as well!

:rose: What we offer :rose:

  • Friendly and welcoming atmosphere full of acceptance and desire to see you and your character grow.
  • Low maintenance, high quality RP without the pressure of many events, or even attending events as there will be few that are scheduled as guild related.
  • Level your brand new characters in the open world with us, or bring about an established character for a venerable position.
  • Experience the Arbiters, a custom canon sect of elite Duskwatch that hunt and jail Suramar’s most notorious fugitives and dangerous criminals (Warden inspiration).
  • Partake in the noble side of Nightborne RP with the debut of the Tribunal of Suramar, a hopeful experiment to gather all of Suramar’s aristocracy and governing bodies to dictate politics and govern the nightborne (all guild lore is opt-in).
  • Be an integral part of nightborne community events as we aim to lead as much as we can in that aspect.
  • A personable in-game and out of game experience.
  • Political intrigue.
  • Character Development
  • Friendly and familial atmosphere.
  • The opportunity to create family IC and grow with new and old characters.
  • And so much more!

:rose: What we need :rose:

:+1: Amazing personalities that are eager to jump on in!
:+1: Brand new characters that you wish to tie into any theme of the guild. Even family!
:+1: Established characters and nobles.
:+1: Interactive and social individuals.
:+1: Any character that pledges loyalty to the cause in a reasonable parameter.
:+1: We accept villainous tropes and stories as long as there is a reason for it.

:rose: Ranks :rose:

High Curator: Guild leader
Pentarch: Officers- one to lead each division; lead healer, lead arbiter, lead tribune, lead aristocrat, and civilian attache
Soulager: Council of Solace members
Arbiter: Arbiter members
Aristocrat: Willow Court members
Tribune: Tribunal of Suramar members
Militant: Those of the Duskwatch or otherwise more melee oriented and undescribed by any division.
Evoker: Any spellcaster or murmurer of spells of any sort that are undescribed by any of the divisions.
Civilian: Regular members not involved with any of the divisions.

:rose: Contact :rose:

Empress in-game, or gorgon#6137 on Discord



What are the Arbiters?

The Arbiters are elite jailers and bounty hunters of Suramar City. While the Wardens were unknown to them at the time, considering the bubble kept them unawares of the outside world; it made sense to have a rigorous training exercise to supply the city with expert trackers of extremely dangerous fugitives and criminals. The Arbiters would end up being a sect of the Duskwatch, but without rank and file and free to be judge, jury, and if necessary, executioner.

Each Arbiter would be trained in Chronomancy, Telemancy, and Astromancy as is their people’s most beloved magic. In order to pass training, one must excel and have expert knowledge in one of the three classes of magic and be expected to learn all three in order to pass their rite of passage.


The Arbiters have had an arduous but straightforward history. It began with the creation of the Duskwatch, where there was a need for masters of arms and reclamation to keep the vast city of Suramar safe and secure.

The First Arbiter, Malevia Venomrose of House Seurvont, alongside appointed Second Arbiter Cassandrel Romuleux began training a reputable force with laws and regulations that had to be upheld. Their main goal was to ensure the survival and safety of their people.

However, when the Legion came back to Azeroth and the Grand Magistrix entwined with the demons, came a difficult decision for the leaders of the Arbiters: to stay true and loyal to Elisande, or suffer hers and the Legion’s wrath. Malevia had heeded consul of her Second and Third Arbiters, and denounced their order’s loyalty.

Full knowing their fate, they expected to be exiled. But that was not the case. All but a small handful of the Arbiters had been executed. The only ones that escaped were the First and Second Arbiter, with the Third sacrificing themself to help the others escape the wrath of the Legion and those Elisande sent out to dispatch them.

They were at the mercy of the rebellion. They had to align with the Nightfallen as they were turned ill with the affliction, and one or two had succumbed to withering. But they still did what they could to help the rest that were exiled.

Malevia was one of the few that had many connections and was able to slip in and out of Suramar with arcwine for herself and the rest. She consumed the bare minimum of what she could to be at the cusp of becoming a Nightfallen, but took to mercenary and named herself a Leystalker for the time being.

All was not lost, however, with the restoration of the Arcan’dor. And not just the Arcan’dor saving the Nightborne, but the Horde as well. With Thalyssra’s allegiance came the opportunity to rebuild their ranks.

So now the Arbiters are not just Duskwatch. They have opened their training to any Nightborne of any walk of life to take part in the teachings of the Arbiters. But it will not be easy, as the training is still the same.

Rite of Passage

An Arbiter’s rite of passage is to be determined not by time or popularity, but by their skill. There is no time restraint, and it is determined by the teacher(s) whether the student should go through their trials. Those trials are chosen by the teacher to test their skills in combat, survival, tracking, as well as their expertise in the three main classes of magic they must know.

Upon positive completion of the rite, they will receive two sabres that have been enchanted to combine into a longer weapon with both ends represented by the sabres. These sabres are forged by expert artisans and enchanted by masters of their craft. They will reflect the class of magic that the Arbiter has mastered. Each blade will enhance their abilities as a spellblade. These blades are called Star Sabres.

Star Sabres are sacred and considered to be unbreakable. The only reason they can break is due to the poor craftsmanship. And any that is commissioned to create these sabres fail to uphold the quality promised by the mentors, those crafters will be shunned by society for the possible and probably death of the Arbiter.

Raiment of the Arbiter

A combination of cloth, leather, and mail; the Arbiter must strike swift and true, but above all else be well protected. However, it stays true to Nightborne society in there being different parts of flesh showing from the garb. (Pictures to come)

First Arbiter: Malevia Venomrose,
Second Arbiter: Cassandrel Romuleux,
Third Arbiter:

Classes: Warrior, Rogue, Hunter

Tribunal of Suramar


The Tribunal of Suramar is the community opt-in branch of governing bodies in shal’dorei society. Consisting mostly of nobles, it is not unheard of for a merchant, commoner, or vintner to arise to such a position, and obtain the title of Tribune; a nightborne personifying law and order.

The grand leaders of the Tribunal are known as First, Second, and Third Arbiter to align with Suramar’s already established ranking systems.

Classes: Any (Most are mage/priests)

First Tribune: Orephia Astrilaux
Second Tribune: Open
Third Tribune: Open

The Willow Court


The Willow Court is a renowned organization of aristocracy within Suramar City, supporters of the Seurvont bloodline. These individuals are the definition of poise and regality as they represent the best of what the Nightborne have to offer.

Classes: Any

Council of Solace


The leaders and caretakers of all things medicine and for the benefit of Suramar City. They take on each task with the utmost empathy and do what they can to rebuild their society and people from the dangers past and present.

Classes: Priest, Mage, Monk

Melvari Circle


A hidden organization led by Orephia Astrilaux, Most members of the Melvari Circle are trained in espionage and info-gathering as well as dispatching any unnecessary issues along the way for the better of Suramar and the Astrilaux-Seurvont influence. These members remain loyal to the Astrilaux bloodline, but work alongside the Willow Court to do what must be done. They also dabble in the aristocracy, but more along the dirty-work side of things and corruption.

Classes: Any

Rules of the Guild

Most, if not all of these rules, have a zero tolerance policy for breaking. It is you, the members, responsibility to make sure they are being followed.

Attempting to say you did not know a rule existed is not acceptable.

:rose: 1. Don’t Be Rude. :rose:

We expect members of Menagerie of the Rose to be respectful, not only to one another but to other players as well. Any proven insults, racial slurs, personal attacks, harassment, or trolling will not be tolerated. If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. This includes both here, in this discord, as well as out and about in the game.

:rose: 2. Don’t Trash Talk other Players, Guilds, or Projects. :rose:

It is disrespectful and reflects poorly on the guild as a whole when you speak poorly about players, guilds, or other projects here. This includes bringing up past disputes. We are not a call out group or a call out Discord. If you know or see someone interaction with someone you are concerned about, take it up with an officer in private. Accidents happen, however, and it will be addressed appropriately every time.

:rose: 3. Don’t Stress It :rose:

Disagreements will happen, we are all human. BUT, it is up to you to make sure that any and all situations remain tension free. If you wish to speak to someone privately about things, feel free. We are not your overlords and we will not police all OOC or IC interactions. If you feel like the situation cannot be handled amongst yourselves, you may contact someone from the Leadership Team.

:rose: 4. Political Topics Are Forbidden. :rose:

There is no channel for it and we will not make one. Opinions and discussions about current events that are delicate in nature should be kept to DMs or other appropriate discord servers. We do not care about your political affiliation. We do not want to know your opinions on the world. There are some topics that are inalienable rights, however, but not everyone agrees so we would rather prevent heated discussions.

:rose: 5. Practice RP Etiquette. Be considerate! :rose:

Role-play should be fun for all parties involved in any situation. Once you gain consent to engage another player in conflict RP, you should do your best to ensure that they can have fun and are not forced into any outcome that they are uncomfortable with.

:rose: 6. Menagerie of the Rose is Rated R :rose:

This means we expect each and every one of our players to be at least 18 or older. The themes of roleplay we will be partaking in will lean into the R rating from time to time and it is important to know that those around are of an appropriate age. This does not include sexual themes, but events that may influence a younger audience about war and potential war crimes if those were to be written.

:rose: 7. Officer Say Is Final. :rose:

This rule applies to all decisions made by any member of the officer core at any time. We work as a cohesive unit here in Menagerie of the Rose, and generally, each and every one of us is aware of a ruling that was made before you are. Going over one officer head to talk with another is also seriously frowned upon.

All guild rules are subject to change at any time. It is up to you, the player, to make sure you know the current rule set. Any changes made will be done with notification.

:rose: 8. No Guilt-Trips or Manipulation. :rose:

This one is going to be very important as time goes on. Most of our events, if not all, will be community based with the intent of bolstering Shal’dorei RP. This means if you pester anyone about events, pester anyone about RP, and give passive aggressive responses and remarks about the lack of RP when you have made no effort whatsoever to get involved, then you will be given one warning before removal. Myself and others have seen this kind of behavior too many times not to preemptively end it before it becomes worse.

🌹 Members who are found to repeatedly metagame or force other players into RP situations they do not want to be in will be removed from the guild. 🌹

Shal’dorei Community Discord


Added a few things!

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One of my hopes for their next slew of vicious pvp mounts is to have allied race themed ones.

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I just want to say that this sounds like an amazing guild. I just recently unlocked Nightborne and would love to have one join you guys. Not the most active rper, I do enjoy hanging out with people in guilds.


No problem at all! We have several people that are in the process of leveling, and honestly we could all make a 5 man group at this point for dungeons or have buddies and quest.

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Nice. I like to do a mixture of dungeons and questing with some bgs mixed in during the slower que times. Normally always go healer of some type even if I don’t rp a healer in character. But anyways I’d totally love to join you guys.


Healer would be perfect! I hope to start a hunter, others have mages and warlocks. I will be on in a bit, fixing up an art piece if you’d like to RP

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Sounds cool. I joined the discord too. I am Lyrel.


Happy to have you!

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Not only do we plan to spark life into shelf RP in the Nighthold, Suramar starting area, but to have an Autumnal Masquerade party there as well during mid August!

We will be having 2 art giveaways: one for every party goer which includes guild members, and one for strictly guild members. So anyone in the guild has two entries versus the one to inspire guild growth and activity.

Those within the guild will also have other chances in between during specific events for giveaways as well as we grow larger to inspire people to log into the game. After all, BFA is just an extended awful Legion patch and no one can convince me otherwise.

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One thing that comes to mind is how our characters will feel when we enter Nazjatar. Menagerie is going to explore this when 8.2 launches!

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This is a good week to level!

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I’ll give a little spoiler to the masquerade party (with prizes and stuff) coming end of August: its name is Autumn Illusion <3 look forward to it!! I am ironing out what artists can I can commission for the raffle winner and other stuff such as location (gotta’ make sure people don’t get zoned out after all).

So we stormin’ Area 51 right?