[H-RP Event] Our Pallid Lady - July11th

A priestly looking Elf stands in the city square you might be in. You can’t tell if he is of the Alliance sort or of the Horde, his face is obscured by his hood. He steps upon a small crate and bellows out something which catches your ear.

“In the regions around Stormwind, the people talk of Hope in a reunification with the north sort of way.”

“In Orgrimmar and Thunderbluff, there is an anticipation that an ally will reach the potential that was seen in them long ago.”

“At Lordaeron city, within the Desolate Council; here lays the source of that hope and anticipation, Calia Menethil.”

If you continue to listen, his voice seems to have found a tone more pleasing to your senses.

“These positive sentiments often come easy to the living, especially after hardship. It’s an adventitious disposition for life to carry on in this way, but for the undead, it doesn’t come so easily.”

“The tragic transition into unlife, having to redefine their cultural identity twice, and then the devastating abandonment by Sylvanas Windrunner; we Forsaken need more convincing before we can accept it.”

“For those of us that believe in the Pallid Lady, we would be negligent if we did not shine the light upon all of the success she has brought the Forsaken.”

He steps off the crate and slowly walks off while continuing the alluring vibrations in his voice.

"If anticipation is to become an actuality, if hope is the desired reality, then your help will have brought the manifestation.”

“Whether you share a belief in her or cling to skepticism, living or undead, come and encounter different perspectives.”

“There will be a gathering in Tarren Mill at the 18th hour of the 11th day this month. A brother in death, Monte Vonder; he will be presenting an aspect of Calia and hosting the group discussion.”

He shouts as he disappears from your sight, if you had been looking at him. “For the Forsaken. By Calia’s hand. Under the Light!”


6pm server. This is an organized soapbox speech in favor of Calia, and a debate against views to the contrary. All Horde may come to share their character’s opinions on the topic of Calia. Part of a mini-series for the last half of the year. If Terran Mill isn’t to your liking, maybe the next location will be.

“Good luck brother!”

We can still take more thoughts about this topic which can apply to the other three events coming after this one. Here is a link to that thread.
Power to the Forsaken!

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The ghosts of Lordaeron folk have risen. They share a message to those of us existing in corporal form.
The queen will restore the kingdom and raise it to greater glory!

Hail the pallid lady

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I’m actually very, very interested to see what they’re going to do with the forsaken moving forward. They’re sort of in limbo now but I have faith that the Midnight expansion is going to completely establish the new (northern) Eastern Kingdoms: Quel’Thalas, Lordaeron, and more…

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About 5 hours until the first of four Pro-Calia talks. Legitimacy is an important fact when talking about the potential Calia has. There are sometimes laws, sometimes cultural, and even social Legitimacy which factor into this.

(Absolutely. I may not be as hopeful as you are, in regards to Blizzard, but whatever they do should at least provide something interesting for RP.)

Yeah like, I feel they should be establishing what the state of the world is going into the next chapter of WoW, after the Worldsoul Saga.

And they’ve already started: with the changes in leadership for the Kaldorei and Gilneas, the new Horde Council. Setting up a new era.

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I didn’t vote for her.

We didn’t vote for Sylvanas, she just ascended to it. Sort of like Warlord Tyrathor. Sort of like how Calia is going to. It’s Defacto really.

Heh… ha… hahahahaha!


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I hope the rain keeps up in Tarren Mill for at least 2 more hours.

So how did this go? Was there a decent turnout?

I wanted to attend and throw various sundry rotten produce at the Pro-Calia degen- er… supporters, but was unfortunately otherwise occupied.

Still, I am curious how things went.

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The first one through the wall gets the most bloody. Unfortunately, in this case it means no one showed and after half an hour, i dipped.

This one will be done again, but it will have to wait until the next three have a go.

Look to the east, a sister in death and a master of arcane. She will host the next Pro-Calia gathering.

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Well, I am sor… uh… sa… su… um… better luck next time?

(Roleplay aside, there need to be more Forsaken focused rp. So keep at it! I would actually like to attend one of these… even if it is just to heckle IC.)

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That’s a bummer. I was interested to see how this went and would love to see it done again after the TWW launch and RP is on the upswing again.

Your OP seems to indicate this but wanted to ask: Are non-Forsaken Horde characters welcome?


Yes, any Horde character with an opinion on the issue may come.

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