Now for the OOC and it’s a little far-fetched/conspiracy theory, loosely based on a D&D game I was running where Calia was the Lich Queen:
Calia was written as the little sister/afterthought member of the Menethil family and given a very brief history that was never truly fleshed out in its origins. Blizz has never gone into depth about Calia, and they tend to portray her character as appearing emotional and impulsive, but well-meaning. She’s not shown as conniving…or is she?
Calia was raised to be a daughter who’d be married off in a political alliance, and her father was later known to be controlled by Deathwing. We have no indication that Calia was ever influenced by Deathwing, except for the existence of a single coin that can be fished up, (Princess Calia Menethil’s Copper Coin: I hope that handsome nobleman Lord Prestor notices me! He’s so dreamy!). While this is probably just a continuity error, it’s also possible that it’s not. It’s possible that she was controlled for a time as well (or else why the saying on the coin?) and that her mind had been twisted enough that she could be of two personalities: one is that of the old Calia - the girl who doesn’t want to lead, and the other who may have once been controlled and changed on a fundamental level by having Deathwing in her thoughts, and has recently managed to insert herself at the highest levels of Horde and Alliance leadership not unlike the Prestor family did at one time.
Most of what Calia says early on is that she has no interest in being a leader. She says it a lot - almost to the point that the lady doth protest too much. And then, this is where it gets interesting: In a conversation with Anduin just prior to the Gathering, she asks him if he would be willing to aid her in reclaiming her throne (from Before the Storm). If she has no interest in being a leader, why would she ask this? Why would she refer to herself as “queen of Lordaeron” if she wasn’t trying for her birthright. She is shown as a character in conflict, having no desire to lead, but also a desire to reclaim her throne. Which is it? Is it both?
Moving on, to the Gathering. Calia’s actions were that of someone who thought she was a leader. A follower would not have thrown off the disguise she supposedly donned in order to search for her family. Suppose her family had been at the Gathering? She could have been responsible for having them be killed. Does that mean she doesn’t really care about them? She certainly could have asked Anduin for assistance in finding them. Instead, the question she asks him is if he would help her reclaim her throne. The implication here is that her desire to lead outweighs her desire to safely find her family in the crowd, or those who might know them if they aren’t present.
Calia is raised by the Light, but we can postulate that the Light is not always good and a Naaru is willing to manipulate beings to do as it sees fit (see: I AM my scars!). Does being raised by the Light automatically make Calia a being of good? Of course not. But from this point forward, we see Calia being placed into leadership over and over again. A player could surmise that this is OOCly because Blizz needed recognizable name characters for interest, but our characters might wonder why the light-raised undead was being put into a position of power over the Forsaken. Is it because of lingering influence of either Deathwing, or the naaru, or both? She’s first an advisor, then part of the Desolate Council, and then is making decisions about Gilneas that may not be in Forsaken’s best interest.
She gives away Gilneas. Certainly, the Forsaken and the Horde could have put down the Scarlets by themselves. They didn’t need the help of the Alliance and they didn’t need to hand Gilneas back to the Greymanes…but she does…and this despite Mia Greymane saying to her father that Calia is not "just some mindless Scourge.” The comment implies that the Greymanes still feel animosity toward the Forsaken and Calia literally does nothing but give her word “as a Menethil” that they want to return Gilneas. Somewhere in her thoughts, Calia believes that her Menethil name should mean something, or she wouldn’t have stated it this way. And giving her word to someone “as a Menethil” would be enough to cause many Forsaken to give her the side-eye. She does it, anyway, and without apology.
While we’re talking about Gilneas, there’s a point in one of the questlines where our characters are told to report to “Queen Calia.” First, she’s “Just Calia,” then she’s renamed herself the Pallid Lady. And then she’s referred to as queen (though this is later retconned).
Calia’s slow-burn rise to power could be seen by some Forsaken as another weak-willed Menethil whose mind could have been invaded by Deathwing, leaving it open for the Light to follow suit - and all Forsaken know that the Light physically burns them, so is a being of Light necessarily to be trusted? Calia has a valid claim to the throne, but it’s clear she could become a Lich Queen of a different sort if her tendencies to either waffle on decisions or outright lie are being caused by an outside influence. She can’t be trusted, and neither can the Light. She is deceptive, whether she’s aware of it or not.
And finally, if the naaru can bring people back to life, why isn’t this a normal thing now? Why is Calia the only one? Is it because she’s easily influenced and the naaru were aware of this prior to her death? Is she being used as a pawn, similar to how Genn may think Turalyon can’t be trusted to know where Anduin may be? He trusts Calia, but that could be because he doesn’t know she’s possibly being influenced - just that she’s been raised.