[H-RP CROSS SERVER] <Shadowtusk Clan> Troll Exclusive RP

The Shadowtusk Clan



“You been found guilty. Guilty o’ makin’ us hide like animals. Guilty o’ killin’ me bruddas and sistas. Guilty o’ tinkin’ you own everyting around you. Guilty o’ bein’ foolish enough ta tink you gonna succeed where da others failed. Da aqir tried to make our ancestors go away; da night elves tried to make us go away. Den you try to make us go away, but… we be like a bad dream… dat just won’t go away. And since we won’t go away… I tink we should retake our land. Burn your pretty buildings. Send you running back da way you came.”

- Zul’jin


The Shadowtusk Clan is a racial guild centered around the various Trolls of Azeroth. We aim to provide our members an immersive storytelling experience that focuses on bloodied battles, various tribal cultures, and the day-to-day lives of this fantasy race. We focus heavily on roleplaying within the world at large and forming stories which build up the identity of everything that makes a troll unique; tribes, loa, culture and festivities. Originally formed in 2008, the Shadowtusk Clan has grown, adapted, and progressed alongside of World of Warcraft over many years. We've built a tight knit and active community we pride ourselves in. Our members are never just numbers to a roster, an extra character to an event, or anything less than someone we'd call a friend.


The Shadowtusk Clan is a collective of trolls from various tribes who have one goal in common; reclamation of their lands and prosperity in their futures. To become Shadowtusk is to join the future of troll-kin without the meddling nature of the Horde or Alliance. The Shadowtusk hold no loyalties to any faction or race other than those of their own making. That said, we cannot wage war against major factions for time has proven again and again their capability and what lengths they'll go to snuff our flames. That does not mean we lose hope and forget what the past has taught us. We find methods, wiser, bloodier methods, to slowly bring us back to the glory all our tribes once held. We are Shadowtusk; the memories of empires destroyed and the ghosts of our ancestors defeat. We will rise again. We never die.


Our story began many years ago when the Atal’ai, devoted ones of the Blood God known as Hakkar the Soulflayer, once more sought to resurrect their terrible god. Corruption seeped from the swamps into the jungle and whispers of its presence once more loomed over the Gurubashi Empire. Fright erupted across Zul’Gurub whose history now threatened to repeat itself. This matter became more urgent as rumor had it the Zandalari had beckoned the Darkspear and in turn the Horde to prevent the resurrection of the Blood God which meant a possible siege which could turn their home to ruin. A small collective of Gurubashi who believed this outcome to be nigh-inevitable temporarily fled to the mountainous hills of Stranglethorn at dusk, where they set up a village-like encampment in secrecy. The group, while low in numbers, congregated at nightfall to discuss the fate of their people and actions they could take to preserve the future of their tribe. They plotted to fight alongside the agents of the Darkspear, should they come, to put an end to Hakkar and his zealous following. On their fourth night, the group decided to call themselves the ‘Shadowtusk Tribe’, in reference to their constant meetings in the shadows of night and their visibility usually being limited to the white of their tusks. They unofficially declared themselves a sub-tribe of the Gurubashi and swore to the protection and the safeguarding of Zul’Gurub. Led in secret by a small council, they knew their numbers were too small to stand against the might of the Hakkari should they be found, and thus they sent a boat littered with minor relics and two runners overseas in hopes to reach the distant Vilebranch who too had battled with the vicious Hakkari; Calling for their aid. Three Vilebranch loa-priests heeded the words of this newly formed tribe and would hide away the Gurubashi artifacts, sending back two sea-bound runners in acquiescence. When the runners returned to Zul’Gurub, they were met with what they feared worst: A siege of the city. When they returned to the nascent village they called home, it was found burned... And the dead bodies of the Shadowtusk piked; Carved with blood runes across their flesh. After further investigation they discovered only two members remained of their original group and they spoke of betrayal by one of their councilmen to the Atal’ai. The remaining four, tired, mournful, and filled with wrath took to arms and joined the assault against Hakkar. They would claim victory beside the heroes of the factions, but they could not take solace in Hakkar’s defeat, knowing one day the Blood God could and likely would one day return. The four which remained of the Shadowtusk were visited by their allies in the forests shortly after the Soulflayer's fall. They had come by boat to not only return the relics to the Gurubashi, but to request entry into the Shadowtusk Tribe; To dedicate themselves to the prevention of the rise of Hakkar happening again. That day, the Shadowtusk Tribe became the Shadowtusk Clan, which would hold the two tribes and welcome any others who would stand against the wrath of the Atal’ai and Hakkar. In time, the Gurubashi would allow the outsider tribes to live within the ruined city of Zul’Gurub so long as they held membership of the Shadowtusk Clan and the oath they took upon joining.




• AGE REQUIREMENT: You and your character must both be age 18 or older to join Shadowtusk Clan. We also request if you intend to interact with us or attend our events that you are also 18+.

• ROLEPLAY ETIQUETTE: You must have a strong understanding between IC and OOC interaction. We frown upon the merging of the two severely. Someone’s character does not reflect on their OOC feelings.

• LORE ABIDING: You must be willing to adhere to lore. In instances lore is unclear, abandoned, or unavailable, we will revert to the RPG. In instances the RPG does not cover a certain subject, we then may venture into headcanon.

• TEAM PLAYER: You must be alright roleplaying a character who is not the main character and can take losses. Every character will get a spotlight, have victories and have failures at different times. It’s important everyone gets progression for their characters!

• LANGUAGE COMPREHENSION: You don’t need to be a novelist, but we request that our roleplayers have a good understanding of the english language. If you’re not strong with english and you express wanting to improve, we will accept you.

• TROLL CHARACTER: You must join on a character which is troll of race. We do not accept half-breed or other races. Please ensure your character is a full blooded troll. (We do accept mixed tribe trolls if you have a backstory that makes sense for it.)


• AHN’VI: This is our first rank. Members of this rank are considered ‘trials’ to see if they have good chemistry with the guild. Members of this rank are given many tools to assist them in integrating with our community. If you’re worried, just ask and we WILL handhold without judgement.

• AI’SHI: This is our second member rank. This is when someone leaves the trial status and becomes a full member of the Shadowtusk Clan. They can now host events with permission and use our player housing system.

• VYEO’SHI: This is our top member rank. This is when a member has been with us for a long time. This rank gives access to host IC interviews, run events, and do a variety of other things!

• ATAL’ALARION: This is our subofficer rank. Each subofficer usually helps out with a task main officers have chosen to handle. Subofficers can do a vast variety of tasks to assist in helping out the guild.

• ANTU’ZUL: This is our main officer rank. Our main officers usually take on a specific task when it comes to running and maintaining the guild. They also assist in taking pressure off the guild master.

• CHIEF: This is our guild master rank. We only have one person with this rank at a time. The guild master often does not act alone and usually gets the opinion of all officers before making changes.


• TUSKWORN: These bloodthirsty individuals serve under our fearless Warlord! These men and women serve as our army on the battlefield. They come out swinging and lopping off heads for the pikes. They are the first ones out to ensure the protection of all.

• SCROLLKEEPERS: The Scrollkeepers are those which care for our relics and achieves. They hold our history dear and work diligently on trying to grow our understanding of the world around us, in hopes of empowering us against future threats, or maybe to just empower us…

• SHADOW GUARD: This stealth-based guard is a secret guard members may join by being invited to. This guard is the eyes and ears of the plan, constantly passing information back and forth to ensure the clan remains safe from threats both inside and outside our walls.


You cannot join as these classes. These classes have training storylines which unlock abilities for both your character and our D20 system. You may begin training for these upon reaching the rank of Ai’shi.

• BERSERKER: Berserkers belong to various factions and tribes. In most warbands or general military units, they are a staple of battle! These bloodthirsty warmongers have surpassed the expectations of simple day-to-day warriors, instead, transforming themselves into living, breathing, and bleeding weapons of the battlefield. Berserkers do not hone unworldly magics, receive godly blessings, nor have specific weapons of greater power. Instead, the Berserker must rely on their own ability, paired with alchemical enhancements to fulfill their duties.

• BLOOD DRINKER: These cannibalistic warriors are the stuff of nightmares. They can siphon blood to heal themselves or force it into the veins of their allies, mixing martial mastery with shadowy magic; becoming veritable portents of death on the battlefield. It takes quite a bit to down these juggernauts!

• DEMONIAC: These demons have only themselves, their power, and the chaos they may yet bring in their thoughts. Where the faithful would surely see such abominations as threats, ever seeking to destroy them, they have little understanding of the true threat such demons pose. Immortality, infinite rejuvenation. Strike one down, and it will surely return millennia later to exact its revenge upon one’s bloodline. So what say the wisest of trolls? Those with this understanding? Why… tempt the temptor, drag their soul within their body to control it. Imprison it and use its power to protect all others from the touch of chaos.

• DINOMANCER: Since ancient times, there has been a small sect of Zandalari who developed strange and bestial magic with knowledge gained from the Loa. This magic allows them to call allies from among the dinosaurs of the wilds. Some are skilled enough in this strange magic to also take on their attributes and even transform into one of these powerful beasts themselves. The practitioners of this bestial magic have come to be known as Dinomancers.

• MOJOWRIGHT: A known and feared method of tactics portrayed by various Troll societies is the art of using constructs - golems, masks, and more - to act as vanguards or informants against the enemies of Trollkind. One such practitioner of this art is the Mojowright - and those who would dare to shape animation out of their creations are those who will not be defied on the field of battle.

• PRIMAL: With an ill-perceived history in Jungle Troll society and a fearsome reputation to their title, Primals are a standing force of nature and a symbol of Trollkind’s connection to the wilds. Experts in the terrains of the world as well as its natural order, a Primal is a Troll who relishes in the more simple instincts that guide actions, giving into an animalistic side often shunned by society and deemed improper. This side, sometimes referred to as the ‘beast within’, is reflected in the changes that acceptance of this nature brings unto the Primal.

• SHADOW HUNTER: Leaders, judges, and elite warriors all, there is no denying their importance to troll society at large, and almost every tribe has them. Mixing crippling, deadly curses and blessings with resplendent healing, these zealots are oft unpredictable as they are beholden wholly to their capricious gods: The Dark Six. Yet their power (albeit more-so the power of their pantheon) cannot be denied.

• SHADOW WALKER: Long have Trolls known to stalk in the dappled shadows of the undergrowth, to use a nimble body and quick mind in turn for petty crime, hunting game, or more direct assault. Stealth comes naturally to many of their kind. Some Trolls are content with this subtlety they carry, and others take a drastic step further; walking a plane of non-existence and toeing the line of becoming something less than their bloodlines, something that stalks with spirits and brushes against the seams of reality itself.

• VENOMANCER: Even the smallest of creatures can possess the guile and cunning to overthrow the greatest of hunters. Even a commoner can end the reign of a mighty King. From the Atal’Shadra of Zandalar to the Cult of Hethiss in Zul’Gurub and beyond, there have always been mystics and assassins alike who realized this truth. Be they devout or revolutionary, these trolls have taken their peoples’ natural affinity for alchemy and chosen to master perhaps its most deadly manifestation: Poison. An indiscriminate, subtle killer.

• WITCH DOCTOR: Those who would speak for the spirits are known as Witch Doctors. Adept in both Voodoo and the brewing of many potions, it is a Witch Doctor’s duty to help balance the needs of the living and the dead. Theirs is the power to bolster their allies or cripple their foes through invoking and binding those who came before them, and through their experience, help to guide their people.


• D20: We have a homebrewed D20 system that implements stats, abilities, items, and loot. Our D20 system revolves the idea of making an immersive fighting style for your character that packs a PUNCH in numbers against our enemies.

• MEETINGS: We have monthly guild meetings to discuss new events, story arcs, promotions, concerns and to almost any subject you feel like you may want to discuss.

• AMBIENT: We have ambient events and ambient roleplay outside of events. We can’t always be fighting the ‘big bad’ sometimes we need to spend time with each other and create adventures of our own.

• PUZZLE: Do you like testing your wits? Well, hopefully your character does too. Some of our most beloved events are mystery and puzzle events where your character is sent off to figure out a plot using clues or puzzles.

• SERVER: We host a few server events in the year and we also attend some. You may find a channel in our discord that updates you on current server events and how you may join!



WEBSITE: https://shadowtusk.com/
GUILD MASTER: Mosaku (In-Game) | Likeclockwerk (discord)
Munkir (In-Game) | sleekhare (discord)
Naztala (In-Game) | basicglitch (discord)


Good people. Fun times. Far, far too many puns. But we make it work.


You’re very punny yourself. :shushing_face:

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I love this guild ever since I joined many years ago it feels like now. Join up for some fun Troll RP, stay for the awesome friends.

Cannot enter the site. Maybe got taken down or something.

It seems “www” creates an error in the URL. I apologize and will be fixing that. Please try: https://shadowtusk.com/ or shadowtusk.com

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Come join us! Make friends and keep coming back for more RPs. :slight_smile:

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We’re planning on attending TOA this year! We have a booth set up if any folks want some treasures from the jungles. Feel free to come say hi! We’ll have our elixir of tongues on and ready!

Troll Priest Noises


I got a troll gal waiting for Timewalking to end so I can use her properly and you guys seem like just the cool place to look into when I can! Posting to keep track of this thread!


If you’d like you can apply early to get access to hang out with us in discord! :slight_smile:

We begin our next arc soon! The Shadowtusk Clan plans to sail to their allies in Zandalar. This is our final arc in finishing up our Dragonflight storylines!

Don’t eat me…


We have ANOTHER new arc coming up! :> It’s happening in Zandalar! :tada: :partying_face:

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I’ve got a few Zandalari boys that may need a home! (2 on MG and 2 on WRA) :thinking:
Though I’ve yet to truly RP any of them sadly.


Well! We’re cross-server! So if you ever want to give us a try, just poke us. I personally can help you with character ideas if you ever need an extra opinion. :smiling_imp:

Hello, it’s me again to say, we’re real fun folks and you should totally join right now cause we just started a new arc!

I can chop and take heads?

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Yes. Especially elf ones. :smiling_imp:

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Definitely. One hundred percent, just not…clanmate’s heads. Yes?