Returning to the game after a break, played a little during Uldir but family life had to call me away, looking to get back into the raiding scene. Friday/Saturday raid times work best, but if its during the week and isn’t super late night I can do that.
I raided all of Legion on my Mage(Werikk), Emerald Nightmare 7/7M, 9/10M Nighthold, 7/9M Tomb, 7/11M Antorus. Guild finished 11/11M Antorus, I had to take a break from raiding since I had recently purchased a house and was moving.
Decent raider, parse average is 80+, rarely die due to fault of my own, and I never miss a raid day unless there’s an emergency.
Posted on the wrong toon, sorry, my Rogue’s name is Werric. Mage name I raided in Legion is Werikk.