[H] Ret/Lock & Druid/DK looking for home


Wife and husband team here looking for a guild to call home! I’ve been playing since BC and hubby has been playing since Vanilla. We did end game raiding and high rated PVP up until WoD. We had some kids, so that became our focus. We lowered our play time to just questing and regular instances through the last few x-pacs. I mainly roll pally/lock and my husband roles druid/dk.

We are looking for a fun, no drama, social, active guild that provides an environment for us to get back into some things like mythic +, casual raiding, transmog farming and pvp events. I am more of the PVE player and my husband is more of the PVP player.

We aren’t looking to fill guild openings for high commitment guilds. We are looking for an environment where there are opportunities to do things if we can make it and if we can’t make it, we aren’t impacting other peoples’ abilities to enjoy/play the game.

We are Horde toons, not sure if that really matters anymore, and are looking for groups that are active between 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM EST. Please let me know if your guild has what we are looking for. Thanks!

Hello Solinaria!

I think you and your husband would be a good fit for our guild High Latency on Trollbane server. We are currently looking for dps for our raid team and our rbg group! If you are interested check my post out about our guild here: Raid: T/Th 8:30-10:30pm EST + PvP (rbgs): Wed 8-11pm EST

We always get AoTC and our members like to help get everyone KSM (if players are willing to put in the effort!) Our pvp group primarily runs rated bgs too! We are also pretty active in Discord. Our members come from all walks of life, we have couples, players who have kids, etc in our guild so we know flexible gameplay is a must!

Feel free to message me in game! Yakella-Trollbane or on Discord : Yakusa6430

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