[H-PvE] <Whisper> is recruiting

Do you guys have any specific classes you do or do not want? I’m coming back to the game after pretty much skipping BFA and looking to raid as a Warlock, Spriest or DH.

Oh you.

We’re probably full up on warriors and druids, but otherwise it’s pretty open. For the three you mentioned, we can fit any of them!

Terms and conditions may apply. No purchase necessary. Must be 18+ to apply. Must be willing and able to perform one or more blood sacrifices per calendar day to appease our dark overlord Ion Hazziwazzikazzipolazzika. Up to three (3) raid spots reserved for Icbat, Icbat’s alts, Icbat’s wholly-owed subsidiaries, and that one awesome friend of Icbat that we love running stuff with. Odds of winning roughly one in thirty-two point three three (repeating of course). Offer not valid anywhere.


Fun Fact! Fun Fact! FUN FACT!

Raisins are just grape jerky.

If I wanted to join as just any class, because my work doesn’t really permit a consistent raiding schedule, would I still be allowed in?

When will my guild tag return from the war, Blizzard?


Yup! We have a few people currently who don’t raid, but do get in on M+ and other shenanigans as time allows.

Okie dokie, just got home so I’ll make a character as soon as I can :slight_smile:

Holy macaroni, Seviilia is a free elf. I have been blessed by the API gods and my guild tag finally matches.

I wonder if mine will ever match…

Lookin’ reeeeeal sus rn ngl.

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No fake Icbats here

An illusion! What are you hiding?

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You even logged into the nightborne alt for that.

Consider me impressed. You win this round, Kal.

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Hey Sev, give me one of those fancy recruiting posts.

Fun Fact! Fun Fact! FUN FACT!

Shark Week is easily the safest time to go to the beach because all the sharks are busy on television.

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Young Heroes…

I was once like you. You have come to this place seeking to bring death and reap purples from the Damned. You will venture deep into Castle Nathria. You will see damage meters beyond your imagining. But, be warned. Mythic difficulty will rise up against you. Long forgotten class specs will smother your ego. Sacrifice everything as the final boss falls…in the end, all that awaits you is raid reset. Only then will you understand…you’ve been following in our footsteps all along.

So come then, you heroes! Come in all your power and glory! For in the final hour, all must join the one … last… Whisper.


Sev basically rocking the throwback

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I made myself feel old doing that. :c

Salt Bae never gets old