[H] [PVE-Myzrael-PST] Horde Tough <Age Group 40+>

Hi there. My friend and I would like to come aboard with y’all. Feeling fortunate I found your post. Exactly what we were looking for. Hope you still have room for a competitive 54 year old. Voltair#1931

Just what I was looking for. Saves me having to make my ‘Gaming Geezers’ guild, lol. Well done on getting this started!! I just sent friend requests to both you and Vadeem on battle.net; will follow on Discord.

Now this sounds like a great home and fit for an old man! Truyth#1145

Looking forward to meeting you all!

Almost 70 here. Live on west coast. Was planning to roll on PVE server and this guild sounds like a good fit.

Since I don’t do discord (can’t even figure out how to use a cell phone so don’t have one), can I just contact you during live to get into the guild?

Tanks :slight_smile:

Hello! I am very excited for the release! I would love to join your guild as well. Please add me. ZanyDruid#113631

Howdy! Everything about your guild is appealing for this new/old adventure. Old School in so many ways here. I would love to join the fun : Please add Juicy#1614


Just the guild i’ve been looking for. Ready for a break from retail WoW, and going back to playing with a real live guild again. My battletag is Zulos#1284. Can’t wait to play old school vanilla again…

Hey there Grumpmon, you can certainly contact us in game. I would more than happy to help you set anything up if you change your mind. If not, look forward to hearing from you on the 27th.

Gwyn#1782 Would love to join up. My first day in wow was during the zombie invasion. Was this noob confused…

Dagome#1318 Would love to join up as well. great guild name. thank you

My battle tag is Cyanosis#1309
My mains are on Eonar and Malygos
I have discord and I’m almost competent in using it.
Looking forward to starting fresh. Got my names all ready to go for launch day.


Started at the end of Vanilla, quit during Cata. Came back at the end of Legion. There are no kids on my lawn…just dinged 54.

I just reserved a rogue, warrior, and mage. Leaning towards the rogue, but will main what the guild needs most.

Shame I still need to wait ~ 2.5 y to join yall, seems my kind of guild =)

Would love to join in on the fun! 44 here and work does consume my life but I am making time for Classic!


Would love to join. Played through BC and really looking forward to getting back to some classic goodness. I’m 40, but have the soul of an 80 year old haha.

Battletag: Dekkon#1420

Hello! I love the sound of this guild! I am 41, I will be playing a healing priest. My wife is 38 and she will be playing a mage. We have both played Vanilla thru WOTLK, played in WOD, and Legion. We both have raided a fair amount but haven’t raided with a guild on a regular basis since WOTLK. We are very interested in this guild. The name of my main is Larz and my wife is Warow. My battle tag is Veln#1665. Looking forward to hearing from you once launch happens, sounds like a very fun group of people!

Hey all… invites have gone out to: Zulos, Wildthing, Siylv, Gwynedd, Collider, Birac, Aviendah, Chewychomp, Dekkon and Larz. Welcome to the guild all!

I don’t know how well Fri and Sat will work for me, but I love everything else about your introduction.
I’d like to connect with you all after release: superfluke#1549

Would like to roll with more people in my age group that are not in a rush to max level. Btag Sly#1679

Hey ya Bonewhisper, welcome to the guild. Invite has been sent.