[H] [PVE-Myzrael-PST] Horde Tough <Age Group 40+>

Hey ya Aganon, nice to meet other folks on the server. We have quite a few military in the guild. Hit us up any time for dungeons, pvp, events, etc. Wish you the best in your adventures through Azeroth!

Former Army??? Awesome. I was too. Come Join us.

Hatrag, we are certainly open to younger peeps as long as they act mature and understand the nature of this guild. Please keep in mind that anyone under the age of 40 will be invited on a probationary period until we know its a good fit.

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Stoked for this guild! Please add me on bnet:

Edited to add: Iā€™m 66 :wink:

Iā€™m 44 years old. May I join too? my bnet tag is Islero#1510
Thanks again

Another Army right here. 15 years. Signal Corps!

Iā€™m very excited about this guild! Seems like a lot of nice folks in that thread. I provided my btag in the forum, but can do so again if needed! Iā€™ll be rolling an UD priest. Would like to raid with people who share the same reflexes as me :slight_smile:

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Iā€™d be interested in joining as well. I raided heavy through Classic & BC, also did some Raid Leading. I would like to put some time and effort in enjoying classic wow raiding without it feeling like work again. czer#1636

Good luck to you as well, seems like you guys are attracting a good crowd.
May look for a guild, my brothers want me to start one again, but dont know if i will yet.
My main was undead priestā€¦will be again.
Brothers are warrior/tank, shaman, and 2 friends are rogue, mage.
May have a few more coming, well if their wives let them playā€¦haha

/Bump bumpity bump bump

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Thanks, glad to hear. I hope to frequent your thread and continue to follow up on your criteria. My next question is: Can you give an example of what maturity means to you, how you want guild members to demonstrate respect and kindness?

We donā€™t want drama. We are relaxed and not about LOOT LOOT LOOT. You have baby mama/daddy issues we donā€™t want to hear it. Mature means work and family are first. Period.
We are good with jokes and cutting up,

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Thanks for the example. I agree, drama is dramaā€¦

Finally! A group of players aware of important issues like which band at one point had the three best guitar players? The Yardbirds! Iā€™m so happy I can cry. Perhaps there should be another criteria for joining: you had to be at Woodstock! Well if truth be told I was just a wee bit too young for that, I mean I was only 6 at the time but still. :sunglasses: This sounds like the perfect Guild for me, only these old fingers of mine are slow, so hopefully you all donā€™t mind wiping. Unfortunately, Iā€™m on the East Coast. No oneā€™s perfect though. Look forward to seeing you in game.


Hello future Horde Tough! I would love to be invited to your guide. I most definitely qualify on the age limit, have been playing Horde DPS since BC, but now would like to run a Resto Shammy. Definitely want to try healing in raids. Please invite Starruler#7788. Thanks, look forward to hearing from you!

Hey yā€™all!
Iā€™m looking for a casual guild to level with and run dungeons, maybe raid, if hands will allow. Iā€™m on CST, and play mostly daytime hours and early evenings, must have that ā€˜beauty sleepā€™. I would like to try out your guild, it sounds like it may be a fit for me and my play style .
Iā€™ll contact you, Raythia, through bnet. Thanks!

I would love to join; 48 years young and counting. On the raiding, I may or may not be able to attend, because it depends on the work schedule. But, I would still love to socialize with players that remember the first video games. I remember being first pick to see how computers workout for the schools and playing Oregon Trail on it. :slight_smile: I canā€™t wait to see all of you in Classic. My battletag is: Stormie#1326

I would like to join :slight_smile: 49 and look forward to playing with people my own age

Would love to join yaā€™ll, have sent a btag and discord request

Sent discord and Bnet requests from Scrawny/Dude. Level 43 irl. Like the west coast server choice.