Good morning, scourge slayers!
We are looking for more dedicated and experienced raiders to finish 25m Ulduar progression and push hardmodes in P2! We are also currently running 2 10m teams on Friday night.
Our current needs are:
Prot Pally/DK Tank
Locks (where are all of the locks?!)
Rogue (and rogues???)
Resto Druid
Resto Shaman
Our raid times:
Thursday, 9:45pm - 12am. (25m)
Saturday, 9:45pm - 1am (25m)
Friday, 9:45pm - 1am (10m)
We use a modified DKP system through Classic Loot Manager to distribute loot in 25m and our 10m loot rules follow basic MS>OS/Need>Greed.
We will be hosting a 25m Naxx on Sunday, Januray 29th starting at 9:45pm (No DKP) and would love to have some new trials and fresh faces to raid with!
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me or Zurimuris.
Saratonin#11401 - Bnet
Saratonin#6448 - Discord
Zurimuris - GM
Malisk - Officer