[H] <Analytic> 9/9N - 9/9H - 0/9M LFM | Tue/Wed/Thur 8PM-11PM

:busts_in_silhouette: Guild: Analytic
:globe_with_meridians: Realm: Area-52

:dizzy: CURRENT PROGRESSION : 9/9 N | 9/9 H | 0/9 M

:calendar: Schedule:
Tuesday’s - Wednesday - Thursday (8:00 - 11:00p EST) Realm Time

:crossed_swords: Progression Type:
Mythic Pushing CE By the End of Season 3 | Mythic +

Analytic is a Mythic-Minded Semi-Hardcore Raid Team formed for the Focus of 10.1 We come together each week to slay internet dragons, get those epics, and have fun as a group of online friends. Our goal is to push as far into Mythic, ideally get CE.

Current Needs:

Tanks: Mythic+ Only, Raid (Full)
Healers: Medium PRESVOKER - I Gives you Legendary
DPS: High (Ranged DPS) Lock, Boom Chicken, Mage, Huntard, Fury War, Spriest

:balance_scale:OUR MISSION:

Our Aim is to create a Relevant Guild where you can have fun and experience the best of both worlds, Achieving CE content while being able to have fun in your environment. My Goal is to Create A Guild that reminds people what Guilds are about. Helping one another, Whether that be running Alts, Gearing, Helping New People with lower keys. I’m not sure when the game went so, All about yourself. The whole reason I decided to make my own Guild again. (Prior GM & RL of 8 Years back in the day) Because ever guild that I embarked upon here recently doesn’t have any Etiquette. I ask that you give me an opportunity to show you what a Guild can be. You mean the world to me. While our focus is and always will be retail World of Warcraft, we will often embark on adventures in other worlds. So, even if you find yourself as someone who takes breaks often from World of Warcraft, you’ll still find a stable home here that supports you in whichever journey you might take. No matter who you are and what you play, you can develop yourself here.


On a Serious Note, This is a safe place for anyone! If you or anyone you know ever needs someone to talk to or is suffering from depression. I first hand know how this can effect people, Please do not hesitate to message me or call me. I would rather know I had the opportunity to help, then to know I lost a Brother or Sister to a Fight I could of gladly Tanked for them! Because that’s who I am! Never forget, Your never alone!

:crossed_swords: RAIDING:

  • Able to communicate over Discord with working microphone.
  • Previous raiding experience
  • High attendance (90%+).
  • Intimate knowledge of your class, spec, and role.
  • Work collaboratively.
  • Willingness to take/give constructive criticism.

Performance will be the main indicator for your roster spot. Any raiders consistently parsing gray/green will be replaced or removed from the roster. Every raider needs to earn their spot and if they are unable to do so they will be removed.


Don’t like to raid but love M+? We have you covered. Join our Discord and climb 30 unique ranks and show off your seasonal mastery. Our members range from casual key climbers, the weekly 15 doers, and the hardcore key mashers. Stop using LFG and come join a guild filled with people who actually do things. Our guild chat is your home to find others to do keys with.


If you’re someone who looks for a reason to log in and doesn’t enjoy raiding or M+ then look no further. We have a dedicated team that hosts frequent social events that range from achievement runs, in-game contests, out of game holiday events like Secret Santa, or even just nights where we all try a new Steam game. Our events aren’t like other guilds filled with cliques and inside jokes you won’t understand. We’ll do our best to break the ice and help integrate you in our home as quickly as possible. You’ll earn a dedicated in-game rank with extra gold for repairs, all for just coming to any guild event.

:joystick:WE PLAY THE GAME:

We’re primarily a guild that does things, so if you’re someone who logs in for 30 minutes, once a week - then this won’t be a home for you. We purge inactive players from our roster often because nobody wants to look at a graveyard.

:revolving_hearts:WE ENJOY WHAT WE PLAY

Overly negative people, elitists, or anyone who enjoys spewing hatred of any kind should seek a different guild. We’re here to enjoy the game we pay to play, not hear your opinion on the current state Blizzard, politics, guns/drugs, or anything controversial in the real world. We’re not saying your opinion isn’t important, but our guild isn’t and will never be your soapbox for ranting. We know the game isn’t perfect, we know it was better “back in the old days”, we’re tired of hearing the same thing. We here to have fun! Let us enjoy the game.

Hey there! Glad you read this far! Drop me a Comment below, I like to answer questions for people to stay relevant within the Forums, If you are curious how we might accomplish something or goals, objectives, ideology or just plain theroycrafting. Let’s Discuss!

:question: Questions: Add us on Discord: Diagnostixx | Battle Tag: Diagnostixx#1337


Core Raid Spots are Earned through demonstrated Competence, Dedication, Communication, & Reliability & not Nepotism.

What we expect : We expect dedicated, skilled raiders who show up with proper gear, consumes, & knowledge.

We’re team-focused so great performers are appreciated & recognized, but divas who are unconcerned with the health of the entire raid team & the overly self-interested are not tolerated.

In short, be Prepared, be Knowledgeable, be on Time, & don’t be an A@@-hole.


On a Serious Note, This is a safe place for anyone! If you or anyone you know ever needs someone to talk to or is suffering from depression. I first hand know how this can effect people, Please do not hesitate to message me or call me. I would rather know I had the opportunity to help, then to know I lost a Brother or Sister to a Fight I could of gladly Tanked for them! Because that’s who I am! Never forget, Your never alone! -Diagnostixx


Tuesday is right around the corner, we are walking in. Pugging for what we don’t have, come help bring a solution to this Problem of ours. Looking for Exceptional DPS & 1 or Two Healers.


I would avoid this guild. GM is very toxic and elitest, especially for someone with a single digit parse average.


For those of you who may know about this situation. The person posting this is [Trackandkìll], Him and his Two Brothers, [Joelhuntard] & [Saviorglenn]. Decided to join our Guild. I ended up getting messaged by Three Different Guilds that this crew was Guild hoping because during Raids, They weren’t being Funneled Gear to their liking and all rage quit mid Raid. Then Insta Guild quit. All. Three. Of. Them.

I decided to give them an oppurtunity. Ran a few keys with them, nothing horrible major. Gave up the information that I was informed to the three of them, I was ran around in a Circle by them. Didn’t like the Vibe I got off the conversation. Ended up with a Free SBG 20 Key. We had already previously talked about trying to keep it in Guild. Considering its a Free key. Two days go by, they pop on and off, Never join Discord. Never communicate with anyone. (Even when approached.) To be people who are all about our Ideology, Helping others and building upon our Group. (Which we should be doing considering Raids Tomorrow.) They don’t do any of that. Then end up running the key with 3 pugers. Checked Guild logs, Never asked anyone else if they wanted in. Just kept to themselves.

I decided I had enough Red Flags from this group of people and removed them from our Discord & Guild. He then proceeds to blow up my discord asking over and over why they where removed. I then explained to him why, and apparently I’m evil and very rude.

Long story short, I am an elitist. I’d rather not waste my time, nor yours. This is a home for people looking to grow Our Goals as a Team Environment. We are founded on very old ideals. Vanilla Guild ideals. If you don’t like it, find somewhere else to join. We like our home and the people in it, We want to keep it that way.

Thanks Trackandkìll for the Free Forum Bump!

BTW: I would highly encourage you to learn from the Mistakes of 4 other Guilds of inviting these Three.


First Raid with Heavy Pugs went 7/9 In a 3 Hour Time Span. We are walking back in tonight and clearing Normal, then on to Heroic. This will be our Weekly accomplishment with always priority attempting 1 Boss In Mythic EVERY Week! Come help us stop gearing tha Randoms! I’d Rather Gear YOU any day of the Week! My Goal is to have this Guild CE Raiding before the end of Season 3. Come be apart of our Journey!

Add me on either…
Discord - Diagnostixx#0071
BTag - Diagnostixx#1337


First Night in Heroic, 3/9H. I’ll Take it, I’m REALLY Tired of Giving Gear to PUGGERS. Let’s make a Team. Let’s make something that last. Come join me on our Journey. I’d love to have you here.


“Tracking marketing is a cultural thing. Either tracking matters or it doesn’t. You’re in one camp or the other. Either you’re analytical and data-driven, or you go by what you think works. People who go by gut are wrong.”

Great group of people. Fantastic raid leader.

  1. “Without big data analytics, companies are blind and deaf, wandering out onto the web like deer on a freeway." Geoffrey Moore

Leader is S2 AOTC week 2. Come and be apart of something grand!


I was looking for a guild and came across Analytic. I sat in Discord for quite a while with the GM and got to know him in a calm Q&A session. He was straight forward, clarified his goals, and explained what to expect. I have been able to partake in many guild activities while also taking in welcomed constructive criticism. It is very rare to find a skillful individual in this game willing to take the time to not only do things with you, but to also take the time to help you figure out how to improve.

If you are looking for a mature group of no nonsense people that can and will complete top tier end game content, then this could be a place for you. However, if you do not take criticism or are not open to suggestion, then you will not fit or feel comfortable here.


Great guys to pug with! Fantastic callouts and raid leading, they get it done.


Great Raid Leader. Would join if I could make the raid days.


We are in NEED Of a Second MAIN TANK. This position is very important to me as I’m the other Main Tank. Ideal Candidate would have plenty of time in the Evenings to Help Push Keys/Content for Guild. As the MAIN TANK it’s our Job to Gear the Guild as well as ourselves. We work harder, we push harder, we grind harder then everyone else. The Guild. Our Guild! Is OUR Responsibility, they have entrusted upon us to be able to be Knowledgeable in our Tank Pathing and Strategies to lead them correctly. If you think you are a competent person who could meet MY Standards. Please drop me a message, I would love to chat with you.

Ideally looking for a Demon Hunter, Brew Master or Guardian.

Thanks for Reading!


Interested in joining with my presevoker or marks hunter. 9/9n 9/9h with my hunter…normally a healer main. Zoomah#4381 is my discord if you want to reach out.


the community is on point for AOTC


Great group to run with and a really good raid leader! Had a few smooth heroic clears with this group. Respectful of everyone’s time but also willing to teach if you’re willing to learn!


Thank you all for the Comments! These are not Paid Actors. More So Fellow AoTC people. I run 3-4 AoTC Community Runs a week. This is just one of the things we do at Analytic. Small Guild with BIG GOALS!


Good group of people. I am happy to be a part of it.


“If you pick the right metrics for success, you will be able to significantly improve the focus of the whole team and thus improve your Guild. Developing these metrics should be done first by making hypotheses about your business and validating / invalidating these hypotheses. From there you will have a good base understanding that will allow you to determine what metrics to focus on and how to define success for your Guild.”

Are you done pugging?