437 boomkin lf raid mythic core.... update found mythic guilddelete post

Please look over our Guild Forum Post. I went over a Few of your logs. You are a Decent player with Room to improve. At first Glance, that Rashok is UGLY. But it seems to me you had an incompetent Raid Leader. Not sure where they pulled that Strategy from. It’s a lot easier to have your Range/MDPS Stack in the Middle while Tanks kite around the outside of the inner circle to maximize DMG Uptime. Stacking on Group after jumps to make Soak spawn on Group instead of making the Group move for the Soak. Really weird Strat for sure!! Would love to see what you can do in a competent environment.

Read over our Forum like I said, if it looks like something you might be interested in, lets chat. If not, Good luck with your search.