[H] <Analytic> 9/9N - 9/9H - 0/9M LFM | Tue/Wed/Thur 8PM-11PM

Heroic clear tonight, do you still enjoy pugging?


#HeroicSarkOnFarm. Your Guild Struggling? We aren’t. Come play. We wanna touch some Mythic.

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One of the worst things is pugging M+. We do them regularly. Come time some decent keys with friends and load up your vault while having fun doing it.


you should have seen him try to tank a 21 Uldaman just now… Complete mongoloid and had no idea how to pull. As a prot pally - died on every pack he pulled. The 4 people in the group were completely like WTF after he embrassingly rage quit the key on everyone. For Diagnostixx to say how he helps people etc – guy seems like a serial key wiper.

I am here to help guildies with keys when needed. Whether they get the help the are looking for is the operative question. Come join the fun!!


GG’s experienced and nice RL! Enjoy the run EZ Sark kill :v:


This thread is the most self advetising cringe cult we’ve ever seen. No wonder most ofbthe server avoids this group. Cult indeed.


You are right, I do love helping people. It’s how we have gotten this far. What I do not like doing, is babysitting incompetent people. I actually ended up timing a 21 shortly after that poorly attempt of a Dungeon. The only people that should be considered a “Serial Key Wiper” would be yourself and that healer. Imagine dieing to the very first pull three times over because you can’t avoid swirlys.

I don’t know, instead of drinking the cup of hateraid your on, maybe get better? Or find a new game. I hear Fortnite has made some good changes.

EDIT - Gwildk, The Alt he’s hiding on. His main is Gwildruid, Member of School Free Drug Zone. Maybe avoid them all together if this is the toxicity that is allowed in that guild.

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The fact you cant even own up to you being terrible in that key is sad. 100% of everyone else would agree with me if they saw the vid on your pulls (21 Ulda who runs to the 1st boss thru all the trash??) Healer and i died not to swirlies, not 3x, but you lost aggro right away and we get clapped. You seriously are so delussional its sad. You died every pull you tried. You truly are the joke of the month.


Whatever makes you feel better buddy, I hope your life get’s better. Really mean that. Preciate the free forum bumps though.


Guild-> trash. Mentality-> trash, grow up and stop crying

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Stop crying? About what exactly? I’m not the one running to my butt buddies and getting him to run to my rescue on a public forum. Such a shame. You both should stick to your day jobs. The amount of toxic things that come from you both can’t be great for your health. I seriously hope you two the best in your adventures. Hopefully life cheers up for you two.

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You are trying to act all big and bad at a video game. You truly need help; don’t worry I coach and will give you a discount. Hopefully I can fix that broken mentality along with that monstrous ego.

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following for entertainment lol

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You have several toxic replies, so I figured I’d just reply to your introductory toxic reply.

You have a right to your opinion. There are many tanks that pull Uldaman 20+ to the first boss. It relies on a competent healer and intelligent dps.

However, if you had a problem with Diagnostixx, you could have messaged him personally. There was no need to publicly bash him or the guild on a public forum. Having your buddies join in and add to it with passive aggressive comments add to the childish internet bullying/bashing behavior.

If this guild was like a cult, I certainly wouldn’t be a part of it. This post was intended for recruitment. Of course fellow guild members are going to add in a few pointers. Wouldn’t you want your fellow guild mates to support your guild?

Not everyone in this game is going to get along. There are personality conflicts all the time. That is human nature. However, it is a choice to act like an adult and to be respectful. We all pay to play this game to have fun and potentially meet friends while doing it.

If you choose to, again, post a negative reply, that is entirely on you. I do feel that you should own up to a choice you made of portraying bad behavior and move on. Toxicity in video games is ridiculous. There were plenty of other ways you could have dealt with your “dissatisfaction” or “disapproval” of that run you had.

Anyway, I am sure you have friends and a good group of people you play with. Just keep their company. Keep to the crowd you have fun with and just filter your temper a little. I’m sure you’re a good lad/gal. Have fun, and best of luck toward your end-game goals.


Looking for Active/Competent Players! Message me!


Hey! I recently got back into WoW since Legion and was fortunate enough to stumble onto this group of amazing individuals. I am only 9/9 N and 9/9 H right now because of them, and they’re helping me learn M+, already clearing 17s in my first real week of M+!

In fact, our last night Heroic Full Clear happened in about 3 hours, and we were a guild group through the whole thing, only bringing a few extra DPS on Sark himself. I am months beyond what I thought my progress would be because of Analytic!

So if you’re interested in playing with people who know what they’re doing and/or learning how to be a good, if not great, raider or M+ runner, come on by!


Hey if you want standards and being held accountable for your part and growing with people who want you to be better come in and try us out. This guild is not for everyone, people will confuse standards for toxicity. We all pay to play and your time is valuable. I have improved more in this guild than all the guilds in the last decade. Our GM runs a lot of pug runs through the week and we have a growing community. Stop in say hello, join a group, but leave the negativity at the door.

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Constantly Grinding, Constantly running. Diablo 4 has your guild looking a little slim? Looking for those weirdo WoW Players? Come join us! We would like to start Touching Mythic Prog. Need a Few Key Roles Players. Roster is set by performance! Come show us what you can do! Need a few Key Role Players. HPriest, HPal, Mage, Spriest, Demo Lock.

Everyone yesterday was a day of great understanding, we all left the guild. Unfortunately the line of high standards and toxicity was crossed by the GM Diagnostixx which resulted is a mass exodus of all the core players. There are a lot of new openings for those who want to try save a broken player. Be warned his help comes with a cost some may be willing to pay and I wish the best for you. I shall leave you with this “people don’t leave bad jobs, they leave bad managers…”

Best of luck to you all…