< Poached Innocence > is looking for additional raiders to fill out our two teams. DPS positions needed.
Casual Weekday Group: T/Th 5:30-8:00 PM Server Time
Focused Weekend Group: F/Su 6:00-9:00 PM Server Time
We are a semi-casual guild on Moonrunner/Gnomeregan. We have been around since a bunch of friends decided to form a guild together in WotLK. We enjoying playing together and helping one another out. Our players are from all different skill levels. The majority of the guild enjoys the PvE aspects of the game with a few PvPers or a few that like to stick their toes in those scary waters.
Officer Contacts:
Huunaron - Bnet Nerraw#1137
[GM] Adali (Doni) – Bnet Vera#1368
Steelwill (Steel) - Bnet Steelwill#1712
Sheriena (Gigi)
Arkenine (Ark)
Dayrian (Day)