Hi all,
I am an old school raid tank who is looking to get back into the game. I am starting to get my ilevel back up and will start chain running my mythic +. I am looking to raid (AOTC +) and am willing to tank or dps. Horde or Alliance. I cannot raid on the weekends, and can only raid 2 times a week.
Want me to heal? Teach me and I’m yours!
Please no brand new guilds….
Hi JC!
Disorientated could use another pally, preferably as ret or holy (our m+ groups are always looking for tanks too). We’re AOTC focused and have people running m+ most nights of the week. We had a slow start to the tier and are currently trying to finish the last little bit of the Sylvanas fight on normal, but have already started heroic (1/10) and should be making a lot more progress there quickly. We raid Tues/Fri 8-11PM EST.
Check out the linked post and get in touch with one of the other officers if you’re interested in talking more (I’m out of town for about a week unfortunately).
Hi there, my guild is looking to fill some dps/heals spots and could use another backup tank as well. It looks like we check your boxes as long as our event times work for you.
Guild events run from 8-10:30pm Est. We do raids on Wednesday and Thursday, M+ on Sunday and Monday, and Torghast on Tuesday.
Our guild is Grey Parses on Aerie Peak. We have been around for almost 7 years now, and consistently get AOTC and push into Mythic. If you want to check us out before committing to joining, you can join our community Grey Parses Fam to get into the discord and guild events.
If you have any questions, just hit me up on discord or bnet.
Bnet: ragelord7#1635
Discord: Kel#1287
Hey hey!
Two Dollar Hordes-Mal’Ganis [H] is a late night raiding guild looking for more DPS for raid prog (7/10 H, 10/10 N SoD) and more tanks for M+ groups. Our guild, on paper, has been around since early 2020 but most of our core members have been raiding together since WotLK.
Raid times are Tues 9p-12a Central / Friday 9p-1a Central
M+ is run all week but we also have dedicated days on Monday & Saturday
If you’re interested feel free to contact either myself, or our raid leader. 
RL | Discord: NeedsNewFriends#2363
GAdmin | Discord: kiele#8392