I have a pally, DK,DH, Monk, Druid that I have at max level and over 207 ilevel. I am looking for a home to play and raid with. If I cannot raid this tier, that is fine but I would love to raid next tier and going forward. I am also a tank at heart, so dpsing or healing is not my forte. I’m willing to learn, but no orange parses from me.
I can raid only 2 times a week and cannot raid on Fri or Sat. Also I’m almost 40 so anything after midnight is a no go.
So if you are looking for more mythic + tanks and someone who has been playing for 15 years and needs a solid home. Hit me up.
Hello! I’ll post our recruitment post below but we may be a good fit for you! We are located on Thrall and would love a DPS with solid tank offspec. Depending on how things go, maybe full-time tank. And we can get you raid ready pretty quickly.
Our raid times are Tues/Weds 8:30-11pm EST.
Please feel free to message me if you are interested!
If you are still looking and are not opposed to going alliance hit us up, our info is in our guild recruitment post but most of our players are similar to yourself.
Heya! I run an ally guild that has a lot of veterans and returnees in our ranks. We raid Sunday/Monday nights–I’d love to tell you more! My discord is: AwesomeLibrarian#2740