[H]Obscure is recruiting!

More like ground floor of Blackhand Horde progression.
Updated slightly for BfA! Will have more accurate needs as release approaches!
After some semi-thorough research, I have determined some needs for raiding! Thus far, we need healers and perhaps a tank!
After even more thorough research, I have determined we need ranged dps! Where my long range killers at?
07/13/2018 09:01 PMPosted by Vaelfor
Where my long range killers at?

*Raises hand*
If you're still recruiting i'd be interested in joining
Please add me on battle.net or find me in-game. I've actually been on my warrior more than my DK since pre-patch. His name is Ickis.
You need healers and rdps? Or just rdps? My guild looks to be going Alliance on me (strange how the guild leader gets left behind) and I'm about to become homeless... Was holy to start the expansion, switched to ret to fit guild needs, interested in going back to holy though.
hey! Sent a battlenet request- definitely interested in joining!
Recanna, it looks like we are not in need of healers at the moment. I don't want to force you into ret if you aren't interested, but a dps with back up healing spec is always useful. If you are still interested, let me know.

Vexia, I did not receive a battle.net friend request. You might need to try again.
Hey! You still have any need for an extra tank. Would be interested!
Currently, tanks are covered. Was there anything else you might be interested in playing?
you guys still recruiting?
Our core raid group is looking to be full up to the 30 man cap. We are toying with the idea of forming a second raid group due to the demand. Will update the original post as we decide as a guild. We are always accepting casual players and people who are willing to fill a spot now and then in raids as well.
Hey Ickis,

I like the idea of old mates been raiding for ages. I posted a message in this forum today since I am looking for a guild as well. You'll find all useless information about me there.

If you're interested let me know :)
Forming up a second group for Sunday 6-10pm server time! Hit us up if an even more casual raid environment sounds good to you!
Sounds like something up my alley. Main a Rogue, play a Protection Warrior as an alt.

No idea about raiding, (hardcore in a past) but I like the vibe.

If you're still looking.
just curious if ya have room for a fury warrior
Hey I'm getting back into the game full swing now, I have a hunter and frost mage, just wondering if you guys are still recruiting?
Let me know if you have any room!
We POSSIBLY have room in our Sunday raid(6pm-10pm server time). We are always taking good people to hang out with and do M+ with.